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Wed, 8 Oct 2008 00:15:21 +0000
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Many of you have emailed me regarding my 7 year old ferret that is
having problems with an enlarged prostate. And I thank each and
everyone of you for taking the time to email me. Many of you have given
me great ideas and I am working on this situation with my vet. However
many of you have asked me about his problems that I didn't explain so
here is the story of what happend to him a few months ago. Maybe some
of you have seen this before and can give me more insight.

At the end of July my ferret Templeton he woke me up in the middle of
the night by him panting and almost in a daze. I picked him up and
tried to give him water but he just seemed to be in a daze and he had
some diarrhea which he expressed while he was in my arms and seemed to
have no reaction to this. I rushed him to the ER vet. He had a temp of
106, they kept him over night and did X-rays and blood work. I picked
him up the next morning. They couldn’t find anything wrong with him,
got his temp to normal and suggested I take him to my regular vet. I
did just that and she kept him for the day. While he was there his temp
spiked backup to 106, and he had really no interest in doing anything.
They gave him some meds and got his temp down. When I went to pick him
up that afternoon he had been doing better, his temp was normal and he
was showing some signs of activity. When I got there he was still
breathing rapidly and then his temp started to slightly raise. My vet
did consult with

Dr. Gandolfi and with the results of his blood work neither Dr. G or my
vet had any idea what was wrong with him. But Dr. G thought my vet was
doing taking the right steps. After I took him home his temp continued
to raise and I was on the phone with my vet while both of us were at
home. For a few hours I was pretty much calling her every hour as I was
checking his temp. I must say my vet is awesome. She told me to get a
cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on it and wipe his paws with that, to
give him his meds and to continue to give him chilled water. Over time
his temp dropped and was at a normal range throughout the night.
However he was still have very fast yet short breaths.

The next morning I took him back to the vet, as she wanted to watch him
throughout the day. He was much more active at the vet that day and his
temp was fine. But he beathing was still a bit short and rapid. That
was Friday. By Saturday he seemed completely fine. He has been fine

My vet put a post on some message board that is strictly for vets and
of the vets that have responded to her all of them have said that
they have no idea what the problem with him could be. Due to the fact
that is his adrenal he was on both Melatonin and Lupron. My vet is
questioning if possibly one of those meds and she told me which one but
I forgot, anyway if one of them turned off his temperature regulator
in his brain. Needless to say all of this cost about $1200 which the
majority of the bill going to the ER vet. And before anyone suggests
it, not he did not ahve any bug bites so this was not an allergic
reaction. If anyone has seen this before and can shed some light on
the situation I would love it.


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