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Wed, 27 Aug 2008 02:49:41 GMT
text/plain (58 lines)
Dum-dum-doo-dada Dum-dum-doo-dada Dum-dum-doo-dada Ooooooooooooooooo!
Dey taked da whole fewwty nation. . . 

Put us on dis weserwation. . . Taked away da---Hey what dey taked

Nuffin! Whatchoo singin anyhoo, you siwwy fewwet?

Me twyin to tell da peoples dat we moveded!

Let da hoomin tell dem--we gots stuff da do! Weeeeee! Dook!

OK, as Charley started to say, Rezweezil Ferret Shelter has moved. I
was sort of planning on getting out of the rez, mainly so I could be
closer to ferret people, family, good vet care, and a store other
than Walmart. Instead, we've ended up in what's known as "deep rez."
I'm about an hour from the Rainbow Bridge. Yeah, it's a geographical
location. When I get the time, I'll drive up and take pictures of
the sign and the bridge in the background. If you run a search for
Monument Valley, you'll see where I am. Really beautiful.

Gallup was kind of a nonrez island in the middle of it all. We are
now where the post office won't deliver and the bank and smallish
supermarket are 45 miles away--one way. (My brother has me beat--when
he was a bush pilot in Akiak AK, they had to fly 500 miles to go to
the movies.) 

There's a nice logic to it; it's just not what I'd planned. The house
is bigger and has the old kind of linoleum floors (I'm probably the
only person in the history of this place to get excited by the floors).
The money is much better than before without working all those extra
hours. The vet is still an issue, but it looks like I'm going to be
able to work that out. The people I work with are so nice--such a
contrast to what I dealt with before. So more ferret bonding time,
less stress. The ferrets are happy here. Even Oliver, who HATES change
so much that he bites--HARD--for weeks if I move the furniture, and
stopped eating when he stayed with a wonderful ferret friend, is a
dancing machine here.

I'm not as accessible as before, but then, I only got surrenders once
or twice a year as it was, and about as many adoption inquiries (and
most of those didn't work out). And I've never had volunteers. So
that's not a big change.

This has been a tough year, mostly with a hostile work environment and
financial stress. Job hunt, trying to get licenses in several states,
an ex inventing trying to sue me for invented debts. And this is the
second time I've had to single-handedly move the entire shelter in the
last few months. But this move feels like I'm finally home. 

More later.

and the rezweezils

[Posted in FML 6075]