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Fri, 8 Aug 2008 23:06:55 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
It was a beautiful day at de Bridge. For once SaraFerret was stationed
at de entrance. She had de note dat de courier had given her and she
had notified de fuzzies to be waiting. (Dis was such an rare occurrence
dat all de fuzzies at de bridge were awed at de preparation).

A little fuzzy was making his way slowly across, nose to de floor of
de bridge. I checked my note (oh yes, he was blind). Slowly he nosed
his way. I was standing right there when he finally bumped into me:
he started feeling his way up me until he reached my face. "Oh you are
a ferret" he exclaimed, I have reached the right place, I guess." He
grabbed hold of me and hugged me with all of his might.

So I introduced myself, "Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Here you will have no more pain or
suffering and now you will be able to see."

At dat moment, POOF! Pippin opened his eyes and looked all around him
and said, "I can see everything for de first time in a long time. You
are a ferret. Are there other ferrets here that I know? My name is
Pippin and I belong to Mommy Ingrid. Are they here too? What do we get
to do here? I left lotsa my friends behind. Do you think that I will
ever get to see them again?"

(Questions, questions, so many new arrivals ask these. But dat is to be
expected--its a new experience here). So I went on to explain, "Here
you will run on cool green grass forever and have lots of food and
treats. You will get to have lots of fun and play games. Yes, dere are
other fuzzies here dat you know--you will get to meet dem later. Your
Mommy Ingrid and your fuzzy friends aren't here right now, but you will
see dem in de distant future. But we will have a surprise for you in a
little bit. But guess what, do you see dese wings on my shoulders?

He looked closely at me and said, " Yes, I wondered about them, but
figured they were just kinda some funny growth and I didn't want to
be unkind and ask about them."

Well Pippin, I replied, dese wings are for flying. (I showed him how
they fluttered and gave him a short demo of how I could fly). See,
Pippin, you will get a set of dese. Every fuzzy who arrives gets a
pair of dese, so dey can fly about de clouds."

So off we went down de garden path toward de Wing House where de wings
were stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of
course). He opened de box and took out his wings--bright orange with
black tips--so perfect for a fuzzy who had spent his last yr being
blind. I helped him on with his wings and adjusted his halo. He ran to
de big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection: for de first time he
could see de handsome fuzzy he once had been and he turned to me and
said: "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now." Den I gots an idea.

We opened de door, but as we went out, Pippin got a big surprise. There
was Ferdie, Willy, and Woody who had known him before. Reunion time.
Hugs and slaptails all-around. After all dat, we continued on down de
road to de Misting Pond and sat down beside de cool clear water. With
one swish he saw a vision of Mommy Ingrid surrounded by de fuzzies he
left behind. He got so excited and started waving and dooking with all
of his might.

"Hi Mommy, hi fuzzy friends. I love you so much. See in my little cloth
bag I took a little piece of Mommy's heart-I hope she won't miss it too
much--she has such a big heart. I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving
me. I can see so clear now and I can fly and I have such pretty bright
wings and I has friends here and I can run and play. Thank you for
taking care of me."

Den he started throwing hugs and kisses and tossed dem on a cascade of
stardust which was headed toward your house so at nite when you dream
you will dream of Pippin. And with another swish de vision was gone.

Further on down de path he saw Ingrid's Place where a banner was

"How did they know I was coming," he asked.

"Oh we has our ways," I replied.

At de cottage, he could hear music playing and as we all went inside,
food was laid out and lotsa fuzzies were dancing. I was invited to stay
and dance up a storm. But I had lots to do, so I said my good- byes.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Loveys and hugs,

[Posted in FML 6057]