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Wed, 7 May 2008 05:25:52 -0700
MELANIE BORDNER <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (160 lines)
Hello all,

I have concerns about my (MF) neutered 5 yd old male ferret, Tommie.
The vet I use is ferret knowledgeable but not an expert. I have taken
my kids 4 hours one way to Dr K in VA. And my local vet consults with
him when warranted.

About 2 years ago Tommie had an episode where
he *passed out*. But all BG readings were well within the normal range.
The after that he seemed to fall at times and he flatlines often. The
vet really didn't pursue nor think insulinoma. And in my opinion what
he did was *different* than my other kids who had insulinoma. About Feb
this year he had a BG curve test which he was within the normal limits.
I think the last one was at the high end of the low stage. I hope that
made sense. Either way the vet ruled out insulinoma. Leading up to BG
curve test Tommie has been having more frequent episodes of his legs
giving out (esp rear left) and overall weakness. He has also been
flatlining more often like every few feet and it is like he sighs when
he flatlines.

He has had on/off diarrhea since the middle of last year. Alot of his
stools were mucousy and/or dark brown and tarry at times. And when it
was pure liquid, the color was generally very dark brown. I have 2
ferrets. Peanut also MF spayed female about 5 1/2 yr old. Her poops
have NEVER been *normal*. They were near pencil thin alot of times but
the vets (several had seen her) all seemed to think this is normal for
her. Since about the same time as Tommie's stools became abnormal, she
too started getting loose dark brown tarry stools, but she seemed
healthy other than that and being blind. I lost two ferts within 2
months of each other last year. And they seemed to go into depression.
I thought their stools was from grieving. Macie and Treeroo are who
passed on from lymphoma had tarry poops near the end too and very
frequent explosive diarrhea. It was around Feb this year Tommie
drastically lost weight but seemed his *normal* self as far as play
etc. He was ALWAYS 2 lbs 12 oz occasionally topping 3 lbs during winter
seasons. He got down to 2 lbs 4 oz in a VERY short period of time like
about a week. X-rays and blood work were done and both pretty much
normal. (Please forgive me for not listing the blood values as I have
a BAD headache but NEED to get this message out ASAP for Tommie has
taken a turn for the worse.)

I do recall there was indication his liver was inflamed or infected so
he was put on Prednisolone. Prior to this, his diarrhea had gotten
worse so he was put on Metronidazole and something else (escapes my
mind now) for two weeks. Seemed to clear it up. Then the diarrhea came
back which is about when the weight loss seemed to occur. I was giving
round clock Gerber Chicken and Turkey baby food feedings. The vet put
him on Metronidazole for possibly long term and suggested giving him
heavy whipped cream and AD canned food to help fatten him up even
though the cream would possibly worsen the diarrhea. So I did that.
Within hours of giving it to him, he would vomit!!! So I stopped the
cream immediately. The vet put him on Metoclopramide. I mixed the baby
food and AD together. I have been giving nightly baby food as a *treat*
since my first ferret got sick several years ago so that would give
them extra nutrients and also make it easier for them to eat if/when
they would get sick.

Around Feb this year I also realized Tommie was no longer eating ANY
Totally Ferret food. He used to ALWAYS be eating. I know he was not
eating TF food at all because I isolated him and counted the pieces and
also counted Peanut's and she too had not eaten any kibble, but she was
not losing weight like Tommie. I passed that off as she was stressed by
not having her cage mate with her so she didn't eat??? I would see her
eating occasionally when I put them back together. When Tommie eats
kibble, he chomps VERY loudly which I find abnormal. It is like he is
grinding or scraping his teeth together and making a I don't know how
to describe it but a screeching noise (but NOT like on a chalkboard)???
I believe they slowly stopped eating TF around the time of Macie and
Treeroo passing last Aug. I would be throwing away what I thought was
alot of food after it was in their bowl a few days BUT I thought that
was because I no longer had alot of ferrets so I eventually put less
food in but was still tossing lots away.

I had 9 ferts at one time and slowly lost them over recent years. It
wasn't until this past week I also realized that it was about the time
Macie and Treeroo passed away that I got a new 15 lb bag of Totally
Ferret food. Tommie and Peanut stopped eating as much and got frequent
diarrhea. I thought it was depression because I could tell by their
actions they were stressed over losing their buddies so close together.
So this past Sunday I got a NEW bag of TF food and slowly Tommie
started eating it again. He wasn't too sure at first. But I am happy to
report I have been hearing his chomping sound again. I isolated him and
counted the pieces. I had put 66 in and he had approx 11 left later
their food in a tightly sealed storage bin so I no longer have the bag
it came in.

Tommie has also been getting SKIN LESIONS since about Aug last year.
They get really bloody and scabbed over. The vet gave me Tresaderm
which seemed to clear them up pretty quickly. At that time he had 2
lesions; 1 on one of his rear legs and the other on the opposite front
leg. Then a few months later he got one on the back of his upper part
of his neck / bottom of his head area. I think he also had one on the
side of the trunk of his body. He has had several recurrences on the
head area pretty much at the same spot. They look like sores. I noticed
a few started out as a pimple-like. Then they would bleed and get ugly
looking. Tommie and Peanut do not rough house so I know it is not a
bite wound. Peanut also had one lesion shortly after Tommie had his
first ones. But since she only had one recurrence that I noticed. This
past Sunday I noticed Tommie vomited 3 times shortly after feeding him
his *soup mixture* (baby food and AD). And it looked just like the soup
so it didn't even digest. Oh I just started mixing his meds in his
*soup* because I HATE scruffing him. Would that cause him to vomit?? I
wouldn't think so. It is the Prednisolone and Metronidazole both mixed
with Ferretone. I had some Metoclopramide left so I gave him some of
that after he vomited and isolated him. He DID eat and drink. Tuesday I
noticed he was trying to vomit. But I didn't see anything that came up.
I put him by himself and he seemed fine the rest of the day. AND he had
his first VERY normal looking poop in a long time. That formed lighter
brown color. So I put him back with Peanut and during the night he
seemed to be at it again only this time I didn't see him but but I
heard scratching in the litter box which he does when he vomits and
he looked all roughed up (hair standing out like it is rough) like he
does afterwards. Then I let them out because he seemed agitated and
determined to get out. He seemed very agitated and kept going from
litter box to litter box which he does some times lately. I gave them
just the baby food and I noticed something that scared the crap out of
ME even ~ Tommie had an *accident* while eating it. He had poop all
over his little but and tail and the floor. So I cleaned him up which
he was NOT too happy about. Then he went to the litter and pooped VERY
runny dark brown. (What happened within 24 hrs of that very NORMAL
stool????) And when he got out of the litter he scooted his lil butt
across a LONG section of the floor. I picked him up and he didn't look
*sore*. It may have been slightly pink but I thought from me cleaning
him and I rubbed gently and he didn't have any part of his rectum
protruding outward.

Occasionally I will give him NBone (in the pink bag) as a treat which
he LOVES SO MUCH he has fought other ferrets trying to steal his stick.
SCREAMING mad fight!!! Well I gave him one Sunday and he kept running
around with it which he sometimes does to find that special secure
place to eat. Only he did not eat it. He just lay there beside it. He
did eat it later. I am disabled and waiting for disability and
currently living on welfare which is NOT enough to even pay bills. BUT
I will go without to help Tommie!! He is my baby boy!! He follows me
everywhere and it would seriously kill me to lose him. I had one other
ferret with whom I bonded so deeply with, Fred. I lost him May 29 2005
and I seriously got sick and thought I would die myself!! I collapsed
on the vets floor and just sobbed!! I cried EVERY day for about 3
months and still do! He was my soulmate!! I can't bare to go through
that again!! I am in the process of a nasty divorce and bankruptcy
thanks to my bum of a husband who left me with everything!! He even
threatened to kill our pets!!!! No he does not have keys to the house.
So I am afraid I may do something to myself if I lose Tommie!!! I know
it is inevitable that sometime he will pass on but I can't bare it

Anyway...Thank you for reading and I am sorry this got long. I am
trying to describe everything wrong with Tommie and hope I didn't miss
anything. My head is getting worse and having trouble thinking. But I
am desperate to get any suggestions that I can take to the vet today!!!

Regards, Melanie & Tommie and Peanut Missing ALL my babies at the
Bridge :(

[Posted in FML 5964]