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Fri, 9 Nov 2007 22:31:14 -0500
Kathleen Marie Crombez <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Well, wouldn't you know it. A little over a month ago I donated all my
extra cages to Lori Sies for the DMK rescue. Sure enough, no sooner
from arriving home from my trip down to Ohio, I end up adopting 10 new
fur kids.

So, now I am seeking a larger travel cage, because my old one is not 
even close to fitting 11 comfortably.

I have measured the back seat of my new car, and have determined that
the perfect size cage would be approximately 40" L x 20" W x 30" T.
This is not exactly a common size, I know. But if anyone has any close
to this size for relatively cheap, I would be interested in purchasing.
I will be taking them out of town with me on Thanksgiving, and would
feel much better if they had as much space as possible while we are

Also, I was wondering, since all the DMK kids have been adopted out,
if all of the supplies that were donated to Ferret Dream House Shelter
have been put to use. If not, it would be nice if a list of extra
supplies could be provided to the rest of the ferret community. I am
sure I am not the only ferret owner who donated supplies who is now
in need. I would be really great if some of the extra items could get
moved on to those in need. The cost of shipping is still much lower
than the cost of purchasing new.

Kathleen and Ferrah plus Ten (up to our elbows in poops and dooks)

[Posted in FML 5787]