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Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:35:17 -0400
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Today was a beautiful day at de bridge. SaraFerret was playing hide-
and-go-seek with a group of kits when all of a sudden a note dropped
out of de clouds onto her nose. Well dat stopped de game. All de kits
looked at her and said, Whats'up SawaFewwet, hows come you quits all
of a sudden?

Oh, I just got a note and I must read it. Quickly she scanned de note,
waved bye to de kits and headed off to de entrance.

Just in time! A small hooded sable fuzzy girl was trying to make her
way across de bridge. Wowsie! She was having a time. Wandering back and
forth, she was trying to hold onto de handropes, but she kept losing
her grips, she started to slip. De rules was dat she has to be halfways
across. Aw to heck with de rules, I thought to myself, I will inch my
way out to her. So slowly I started toward de little fuzzy--geesh dat
is quites a ways. Hey girlfriend, grabs ahold of my paw, I dooks.
Wouldn'ts ya know it, dis fuzzy just screams at me, Who are yous? My
Mommy tells me dat SaraFerret was to meets me and I don't know you.

I am SaraFerret, just grab my paw or you will bounce off dis bridge
into nowhere land.

Oh, de little hooded sable replys, I guesses I better. Den she starts
to relax and holds onto me and we finally makes it back to de entrance.
Of course I has a few pawmarks from her holding so tight, but hey all
in a day's work.

Now at de entrance, the hooded sable fuzzy introduces herself saying,
Sorry for screaming at you, I am Banchie, furdaughter of Mommy Debi
and I can't see and dat is why Mommy named me Banchie cause I always
screams at everyones.

I tells her once again dat I am SaraFerret de bridgegreeter. Welcome to
de Rainbow Bridge. Here you will have no pain or suffering, no litter
pans to mess with, you will run and play forever on green grass, have
clean hammies to sleep in, plenty of food and water and treats to eat,
friends and family to play with, did I mention fun and games.

Banchie says, ok dat sounds great but it doesn't help much if I can't
sees anything cause I am blind. So all of a sudden! POOF! Banchie looks
around in a daze, what just happened to me!

Oh dat happens all de time at de bridge when a fuzzy crosses.

Banchie looks at me and says, You are SaraFerret? Somehow I has you
pictured as some kinda of beautiful sable fuzzie and here you are a
kinda funny looking sable fuzzy. (And then Banchie looked real
embarrassed and said oh oh, don't tell Mommy I said dat, she would
be upset dat I said dat, she raised me to be polite).

Banchie, I says, I am not de prettiest fuzzy at de bridge nor am I
beautiful. When I crossed de bridge, I was naked and had no fur at all
so I am somewhat better--I never had a lot of fur on earth--but de Boss
gives me some fur and for Christmas one year he gave me a bushy tail.
But one thing dat happens here we are all perfect here and dere are no
beauty shows at de Bridge. All dose kinda shows are for de earth
people. Here we are all alike.

She wraps her paws around my shoulder and at dat moment she says she
no longer would screams as nothing would frightens her any more. Her
scarey days were over.

Den she notices my wings. Hey, Mommy Debi didn't tell me about dose
things.. What are dey for?

I replys, Oh dese are to fly about de heavens; beats leaping and
bouncing throughout de clouds; dat would get old real fast; not to
mention tiring on de legs and back.

Banchie asks, Do I get dose too?

Of course, Every fuzzy dat crosses get a set of wings.

So off we goes down de garden path toward Kit and Kaboodle where de
wings were stored. We were met at de door by Auntie Mary Ferret, de
keeper of de wings. She opened de door for us and pointed to de
counters where de wings were stored. And on one of de counters was
a big box (of course) labeled "Banchie". She opened de box and took
out de wings-- Hot Pink with Silver Stripes (so perfect for a little
hooded sable fuzzy). She ran to de large vanity mirror and gazed at
her reflection. For de first time in her life she could see what a
beautiful fuzzy she was (she had always been blind, you see). She
turned to me and said, Gee I wish Mommy Debi could see me now. Den I
gots an idea.

As we went out de door, we were met by a group of fuzzies.  REUNION  

Banchie's Mom, Lady Dana, her Dad, Lord Stinky Butt, her brothers,
Komats and Motomo and her best bud, Jerry Springer were there. Wowsie!
Leaps of joy, bounces of happiness. After all had calmed down, we went
down de garden path toward de Misting Pond. We sat down beside de cool
clear water and with one swish Mommy Debi appears with her fuzzies
around her. Banchie noticed dat Mommy was looking up toward de sky
and started dooking and waving.

Hey Mommy, Look at my wings. I can see you now. I don't scream any
more.. I don't hurt anymore and thank you for taking me to de dr and
releasing me from my pain and letting fly on my bridge journey. I
love you so much. Thank you for everything.

Then all of dem started throwing hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with
dere love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star and sent dem on dere
way to your house with a promise to one day visit you in a dream. And
with another swish de vision was gone.

So off we went down de garden path toward #45 Fuzzy Loving Lane.
A Welcome to de Bridge Banchie banner was strung across de trees.
Banchie whispered to me, How did dey know I was coming?

I replys, Oh we have our ways. A big party was underway. Oh dose Fuzzy
Loving NJ guys sure do know how to party. War dancing, food from
everywhere. I was invited but I had to decline. Another fuzzy was
crossing de bridge. Banchie wrapped her paws around my shoulder with
a big hug and a see-ya-later.

So ended another greeting at de bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5777]