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Mon, 15 Oct 2007 18:32:29 -0500
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Today finds SaraFerret tossing notes into de air--her human is so far
behind in postys--emails systems down--human errors--who knows. As
you may or may not knows, ferrets at de Bridge are no longer allowed
computer access (something about ordering pizzas and you can imagine
how dat prank went over). So all mesages are sent telepathically to
de human who must post. And so....

Today was a beautiful day at de bridge. SaraFerret was taking a nap
by de misting pond where soft fall breezes were blowing. All of a
sudden, Dexter de little boy courier, dropped a note on her nose. Hey
SawaFewwet--special fuzzy on de way cwossing de bwidge. Ya best be
wakes up or de Boss will be upsets wit you. Wakes up SawaFewwet. I
opens my eyes and Dexter took off immediately. (Smart Fuzzy--in fact
dat little guy is getting smarter every day-now if I could just get
him to hand me de notes, it would be perfect). I gots de note and read
it. I got out of my hammie and headed for de entrance.

Just in time. A black sable fuzzy was kinda wandering crossed de
bridge. I stood at de entrance ready to welcome him. He walked right
up to me and wrapped his paws around me and starts sobbing his little
heart out.

Is dis where I belong? I just don't understand anything anymore.
Someone threw me and my brother, Jason out in de streets and we walked
around and we gots lost and we gots hurts. See my nose and my foots.
I gots sicks. I couldn't finds my brother and den dese people tried
to catch me, but I gots scared and den de tries to catch me and dey
finally catches me. Dey gave me some stuff to fix me and gave me some
soups and de lady says her name was Debi and de guy says his name was
Keith and oh by de way my name is Jasper. Dat Miss Debi was so nice to
me. So why did dose people throw me away like I was a piece of trash.
Dat nice lady held me in her arms until I woke up here. Why coudn't
I have stayed with her. And what happens to my brother.

(All in one breath, he said dis). He was sobbing and holds on to me for
dear life while he tells me all dis. I keeps patting hims on his backs
like I do when dey crosses.

Well little Jasper finally calms down. So I introduces myself, I am
SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis
is your new forever home. Your brother, Jason was found and is now with
Mommy Debi and is about to find a new forever home. But as for you,
here you will never ever know any more pain or suffering, no one will
ever abandon you here, here you will run free forever, you will never
be called trash here or tossed into the road here. You will have lotsa
of food and water, did I mention fun and games. Jasper cheered up
quickly and noticed my wings.

Hey, dose look so cool, do you think I could get dose things.

Of course I says.

So off we went down de garden path toward Kit and Kaboodle where de
wings were stored. We opens de door and on de counter was a big box (of
course) Jasper opens de box and took out his wings: Silver with black
streaks--perfect for a tossed away ferret--to give him de dignity dat
someone never gave him on de earth. I helped him with de wings and
adjusted his halo and he went to de vanity mirror. He gazed at his
reflection--for de first time he could see how handsome he was meant
to be--how de Creator had meant him to be--no messed up nose-no sick
body-no hurts--he turned to me and says to me--Gee I wish Mommy Debi
could see me now. Den I gots an idea.

So we went out de door and down de garden path and toward de misting
pond. We sat down by de cool clear water and I swished it. All of a
sudden a vision of Mommy Debi appeared. She had Jason in her arms and
Jasper gots so excited, he starts waving and dooking, he flaps his
wings. Look at me, how handsome I am. I don't hurts anymore. Thanks
for everything. I love you. So he started throwing hugs and kisses and
wrapped dem with his love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which
was headed toward your house. With another swish de vision was gone.

So we headed down de garden path toward 45 Fuzzy Loving Lane where
Mommy Debi's fuzzies lived. Dere was a Welcome to De Bridge Jasper
banner sign across de cottage. Jasper was puzzled--how did dey know
I was coming, he asked me. Oh, I says, we have a way of knowing de
things. So we went in and my was dere a party going on and food--
goodness-- squirt cheexe and crackers, cold iced tea, cold pepsis, a
bit of cat food, and even a bit of should I mention dis-chocolate.
Dancing fuzzies tripping over each other. I hugged Jasper and left
him with his new family. I knew he would be taken care of by de Fuzzy
Loving family as dose NJ fuzzies are a good group and really know how
to welcome. I headed back off to de entrance as I knew dere was another
fuzzy getting ready to cross.

Blessed are de Rescuers as dey shall wear crowns of gold.

Loveys and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5762]