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Mon, 27 Aug 2007 01:51:36 -0400
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I was waiting for some information, but have decided to go ahead and
share this as I do not know how much longer it will be.

Many of you know about Rocky Bobbles, the little guy Lisa Leidig saved
from certain death with her heroic measures. For those who don't, it
is a wonderful tale and she deserves more than can possibly betold.
Anyway, he had what we think was meningitis as a kit and as a result,
always walked with a tilt to his head and a wobble in his step. He
could not hold his head up straight and it would roll backwards. He was
such a cute kit trying to be a big boy. He took a flight from NC to TX
and joined the Poop-in-the-Corner Gang, led by my Honeyboy, Shadow. He
fit right in with his big ol' self.

Rocky was about 4 months old when he came to live with us. He left
suddenly for the Rainbow Bridge on August 8 and was not yet 4 years
old. It always seems to be a week when things are going on that you
lose them. Sammy was wasting away to nothing and I was feeding him
every 3 hours and medicating him twice a day. I was so afraid that I
would lose him. Wednesday we went to the vet and I thought I should
probably take Rocky and get his bloodwork rechecked as he had just
recently been on antibiotics. That night I was upstairs in the room
with them and he suddenly sneezed several times. He got up and went
across the room and used the litter box. I heard him sneeze again
several times HARD and then lie down on the floor with watery eyes.
I picked him up and loved on him and noticed his nose was cold, but
didn't think too much of it because of the sneezing and the a/c. I
looked at his gums and thought they were a little light, then put him
in the cage to observe him. I called a friend who runs a shelter and is
brilliant and we talked about him (I had already checked with the vets
in the area and nobody felt comfortable seeing a ferret). I checked on
him again about 15 minutes later and decided to go ahead and head for
Tufts (where everyone would have sent me anyway). I left about 10:30
and about 10 minutes before I got there he took his last breath. I was
just shocked and devastated about losing my baby boy. So full of life -
and suddenly gone.

Talk about confusion, grief and guilt all rolled into one. I did know,
however, that we had to have a necropsy. There were too many unanswered
questions. One was answered the next day. Rocky had a tumor on his
liver that ruptured and he bled to death. No, I could not have foreseen
that and, even if I had, we may not have done surgery. I don't know.
Too much uncertainty to know what we would have done - if we had known.

So, my little wobble Bobbles is no longer here. He is wandering around
at the Bridge, probably chasing a butterfly or trying to stand on his
hind legs - something he could never do here. I don't usually tell
everyone when I lose a ferret, but Rocky Bobbles just lived with me. He
belonged to everyone who knew his history. I just wish the dash could
have been longer (2004-2007).

My little bobblehead was such a card. He had NO manners! lol Had no
idea that there was anything like a pecking order and was quick to the
dish, with no qualms at all about knocking down any little old lady
in his path. lol He just did not realize that there was anything like
dominance. He was not the brightest bulb in the box. He was a hoot. If
you held him up his head kinda rolled around and he could not lift it
up. He was a big ol' cuddly bear and always wanted down to play. He
slept in the middle of the floor and shunned covers or sleepsacks. He
would hang out of a hammock or toy car with his head at a strange

Rocky loved to eat. Lisa spoiled him on chicken breast and while
we were in South Dakota this summer, discovered that the boy LOVED
bison -- straight, with NO hamburger in it, please. He would always run
up to my plate and steal food. On many occasions I would be involved in
a tug of war over my dinner! The only thing he really did not like to
eat was fish. But, he wanted to steal it, by golly! He would pick it
up and hold it in his teeth with his tongue pulled back and his lips
curled so nothing touched it. Head held high, he would prance off a few
steps, drop it and try again to pick it up without touching it! It was
so funny to watch him.

Last year, after Shadow and Maggie Mae died, Rocky was my longtimer at
nearly 2 1/2 years. Sammy and Jersey were both more than 6 years old,
but it was Rocky who was feeling the need for leadership. He had never
considered anyone to be an alpha, but his big brothers and sisters had
always been there. He wasn't sure what to do. But, he eventually was
able to accept his role and, even though he didn't become the alpha
boy, he did accept the new arrangement. When Odie joined us a couple
of weeks later, Rocky played with him like he had always been there.

Rocky traveled to Toronto for the IFC Ferret Aid 2006 Symposium and to
Oregon for the Portland Symposium. He assisted Joel Vanderbush in his
presentation on educating ferrets and stood with SuperTonks as he
pledged himself to Miss Isabella Gucci -- even though he hated that
tux! Rocky was a love and he will be missed. Even through the tears I
have smiles. And, I know he is not bobbling now.

Thank you for allowing Rocky to be a part of your lives. If we get more
answers about his rocky start in life, I will share that with you.

It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." Amelia Earhart
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
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International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

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