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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0710 377 40 1l)
[log in to unmask] (Tom Danisavich)
[log in to unmask] (Susan A. Musil)
tjs@tropix (Timothy J. Spires)
davis@utx1 (Gary A. Davis)
alan@sequent (Alan Gardiner)
[log in to unmask] (Leonard Bottleman)
[log in to unmask] (Shu-Ju Wang-Burgess)
[log in to unmask] (Janet L. Crow)
mnetor!uunet!vsedev!FMPMIS!scott (? - mail was mostly garbled) [...]44_21Dec198719:14:[log in to unmask] 8712 26 33 12_Adminstrivia14_Chris R. [log in to unmask], 21 Dec 1987 19:14:00 -0500616_- I'm going to run this quite informally for the time being.

For the time being, please mail any contributions to:


I've included some useful paths in the trailer to this article.

I will manually forward them back out. I will make some changes to
automate this in the future, but not quite yet. Part of the reason
why this isn't being automated now is the fact that of necessity one
of the recipients has to be anonymous. Sounds wierd ... Unfortunately,
this person has their ferret in a state where ferrets are (still)
illegal and has asked me to [...]44_21Dec198719:14:[log in to unmask] 8712 60 21 26_New Moderator Introduction14_Chris R. [log in to unmask], 21 Dec 1987 19:14:00 -0500495_- We have three ferrets:
1) Nicia - very small (overweight) sable femal, at least 2 years old.
Indirectly from the pound. A real fighter (surviving several
medical crises), and a real sweetheart.
2) Mocha - normal size (1 3/4 lb) sable female, obtained as a baby
about 1 1/2 years ago. A sock eater (with feet inside).
Have tried many thigns, simply can't stop her.
3) Toby - 3 lb. silver-mitt male, obtained as a baby. 9 mos. old.
Big, stupid, and friendly lummox. [...]44_21Dec198719:14:[log in to unmask] 8712 82 29 23_New Member Introduction22_Steve & Sukie [log in to unmask], 21 Dec 1987 19:14:00 -0500394_- We have 2 ferrets at our place - Hjalmar (an exceedingly stupid but
friendly 3 pound, 2 year old male), and Fritter (a very smart 2 pound
3 year old female). A few weeks ago we lost Hale to an illness that she
had been fighting for several months -- she was over 7 (we have no idea
what her real age was as she was purchased as an adult -- she may have
been as old as 9). [...]39_21Dec198719:14:[log in to unmask] 8712 112 28 23_New Member Introduction14_Tom [log in to unmask], 21 Dec 1987 19:14:00 -0500385_- Hello,

I've had my ferret for over a year now and I wouldn't trade him for anything.
He's an albino, and about 3 years old.

As to training him, my brother and I have managed to train him to come to the
sound of a whistle. This was done by rewarding him with his favorite snack
(cheerios) every time we would whistle. Now all you have to do is whistle and [...]39_21Dec198719:14:[log in to unmask] 8712 141 22 23_New member Introduction14_Susan A. [log in to unmask], 21 Dec 1987 19:14:00 -0500640_- Ferrets: Did someone say ferrets! I've thought about getting one
of these for years, until I was told they weren't allowed in CA.

For same! But, I'd still like to know 'bout 'em. Maybe one of
these days I'll move...

[log in to unmask]@oberon.usc.edu
[log in to unmask]
University of Spoiled Children
Downtown Ellay

[I heard about a ferret owner from Oregon moving to California and
the authorities confiscated the animal. Fortunately, the owne
Sat, 16 Jun 2007 15:29:15 -0500
text/plain (64 lines)
Hi all dis is SaraFerret. Today is a lovely day at de Bridge.
Butterflies are flying and birds are singing and kits are zipping all
around and it is a bit noisy. Wonder what is up. Hmmm. Must be one of
dose days. Gets like dat once in a while at de bridge.

All of a sudden, I see a little ferret crossing de bridge from afar
off. Wowsie, he is really havin a time. He manages to makes it. He
comes ups to me and introduces himself and says Hi, my name is Lucky
and I belong to Mommy Julie, and who are you.

I tells him, I am SaraFerret, de bridge greeter.

He looks at me and says, uh whats a bridge greeter.

Well you remember your old life and then you remember crossing over de

He looks at me and says, Yes, and...

Well, I says, dis is de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new life and your
new forever home.

He looks at me and says, uh and wow, but I feel much better now, so
can I just turn around and go back home.

Fraid not, I says, once you is here, this is it. But this is a great
place, no pain, no suffering, great food, no litter pans, soft hammies,
lotsa room to run and play, no cages but there are some rules you needs
to follow.

He looks at me a bit sad-like, but seems to accept it, saying do you
mean I wont ever see Mommy again. I tells him that one day in de long
distant future when his Mommy crosses de bridge dey will be reunited
and when dat happens dey can run and play together once again but
without de cages and all dat. He really brightens up den.

Then we start discussing de rules and I tells him about de wings. He
notices mine and my halo. He asks if he gets to pick out his color of
wings. Well, I tell him, dose are usually decided by de Boss, but if he
isnt happy with His decision, he can always choose a different color.
Lucky seems ok with dis, so off we go to de Wing House. Once we get
dere, he notices a big box on de counter. He goes over dere and opens
it and his mouth opens in a big "O"  He carefully lifts the wings out
and they are a sky-blue color. Wowsie, what a pretty color. Lucky says,
dese reminds me of de sky. We carefully get dem on him. Den he trots
over to de mirror. Oh what pride he shows in himself. No longer in
pain, no suffering, his fur once again fluffy like it was when he
was young. He looks at his reflection. Not vanity--just happiness.
Just absolute joy. A tiny war dance.

Den we go outside. A group of ferrets are dere to greet him, since he
doesnt know anyone here. A Welcome Lucky Banner is unfurled. Dey swish
tails and dance for a few minutes and den take him down de path to his
new cottage where his welcome party is being held. I am invited, but I
am much too busy today. I sends my regrets and promise I will see him

Hugs and loveys


[Posted in FML 5641]