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Thu, 6 Nov 2008 00:25:07 -0500
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I don't know what's going on with Popcorn. his kidney values 2 months
ago was abnormal, so I'd been giving him fluids almost every day, maybe
20-30ml. vet tested his urine concentration a month or so ago, and he
was concentrating quite well, so we were guessing his kidney values had
something to do with intermittent diarrhea, and since he was doing
well, took him back off fluids. I started to give him a child's
probiotics as well to see if it'll help with the diarrhea. he had a
blood test last monday, and got a

BUN around 27 (high), Creatinine around 140 (high).

I put him back on fluids, and this tuesday it is

BUN 51.6 (high), Creatinine 121 (high).

his urine specific gravity is 1.014 (low)

we are not quite sure what's going on, whether it is his diarrhea (him
and his brother gets diarrhea every couple of days, for as long as I've
had him), or whether it is kidney failure. he's also got some teeth
issues, and we are hoping that his values will improve and we can go
ahead and remove his one molar where the root's showing.

just wondering if anybody had experience with kidney values that isn't
kidney failure, or long term bird seedy diarrhea (he'd been on kibble
and raw, and right now is on k/d)

thank you!


[Posted in FML 6146]