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Tue, 26 Aug 2008 17:17:35 -0700
Denise Cummings <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (104 lines)
City Licensing/Shelter Licensing for Denise's Delightful Dookers Ferret

Long time no write.

Thank you all for being soooooooo patient. This whole thing started in
February 2008 and is now finished--August 22, 2008.

DDDFR now has the "Home Occupation Permit", the "City Business License"
and the "King County Shelter License". (oh and our Washington State
Business License) We are now OFFICIAL. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!

DDDFR is still operating and we went through all the hoops, dotted all
the i's and crossed all the t's, and paid up the wazooo for everything
imaginable. For a while we thot we were going to need a lawyer. But we

At the "Hearing" I got to speak first...and basically I educated the
Hearing Examiner about ferrets.... where they came from to now, what
we do, the volunteers that help, etc.. (yea, yea, yea, I know...I was
the long winded one). I felt if he didn't understand what we were
doing, he couldn't make an honest decision. IT WORKED!!!

My hubby spoke business sense and did a marvelous job. The Hearing
Examiner kept looking over at the city people....why? Because some of
the things they wanted to do and charge the shelter for were RIDICULOUS
and he asked questions of the city--basically making them look foolish.

We met 11 of the 13 criteria on the city list (I can't remember what ya
call it) and that's all we needed to meet...wooohooo. We have to remove
our cages from the side of our house (behind a privacy fence -- which
no one from the outside can see)...and we've started.

Shelter Needs
Right now, we need potty pellets, Ferretvite, Ferretone and Totally
Ferret Active (50lbs), toilet paper, All (clothes washing soap-no
perfume) and $ for our vet bill.

Because we have so many ferrets with health issues, we need more
medicine and vet visits than usual. We are medicating/souping 18
ferrets and souping 11 (trying to stay away from meds until absolutely
needed). (We make 15-16 -- 8c (64 oz) containers of soup. These 16
containers will last approximately 17-18 days....I hope.)

Shelter news
We've had 14 adoptions --in the months of May, June, July, August--
(::::wonderful:::) and 16 that passed over the Rainbow Bridge
(::::tears::::) in the last 4 months.

We also board ferrets for people who need a place for their fuzzies
to stay called "Camp Dookers". Starting in May up till now, we have
boarded for 19 families. Thank you kind people for trusting us and
sharing your special fuzzies with us.

A special person paid our $3,000 vet bill. Yesssssss. Thanks to their
donation, and to Support our Shelters $50 donation that bill is paid.
We are keeping our vet bill down...by selling cages, and other items.
Our bill did go up to $460 quickly again due to lots of older ferrets
and health issues. We now have 61 ferrets with health issues because
some have been with us since 2006 and are getting older and some came
in with problems when surrendered.

We do have 44 available for adoption, 7 personal, & 8 shelter ferrets
(ones that just don't seem to want another hooman -- we'll see).
(Yep....our total in the shelter is now down to 120--from 153. Whew!!)

The shelter also just today (Tuesday, 26th of August) got the most
fantastic news.....Randy, a professional web developer, will be
putting together a "professional but caring" website for the "Dookers".
Yessssssssssssssssss. Yes, we are absolutely going bonkers and
thrilled. Woooohooooo!!!

Thanks all of you for your donations and precious help, thoughts, and
prayers....it is ALWAYS appreciated. smile2

On the Homefront
Now, most of you understand the time it takes to operate a shelter.....
then add a hooman baby to the mix....(OH MY). My 19 yr old daughter had
a baby boy on July 21st, 12:44pm, 8lb 8oz and 21" long. Kayden is our
first grandson and quite adorable I might add. Crystal and Kayden live
with us and you can imagine how this affects everything.

You got it. Grandma wants to hold bab--after all he's a very handsome
and precious boy, daughter wants grandma to help, grandma needs to take
care of ferrets.......... ::::::runs out doors panting and puffing --
wanting to scream:::::::

I just love 'em both, but this REALLY puts another stress on our
family. Not easy.

It not only affects us at home, but it means more driving...yuck.
Yes, it does get a little frustrating, but things are starting to
settle down just a wee bit. (notice "wee")

Have a 'ferret' day.

253-797-9115 Shelter Phone
Paypal ([log in to unmask])

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