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Fri, 28 Mar 2008 10:31:41 -0800
Joelene Dowdle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (121 lines)
It has been some time since I have been able to read the FML, my hard
drive bit the dust and it took a month for the Geek Squad to step up
and fix it properly. I left Las Vegas with 16 fuzzies over half sick
with one or both of the dreaded diseases they seem to get. I sadly now
only have 5 babies left. I lost five while in the Reno area and seem
to be doing well after returning to my hometown.

I was down to ten last year losing Momma Bear. This last year I lost
two more

Alaya on September 11th the two year anniversary of my son's death in
Las Vegas. I found it strange since he was the one who bought Alaya
for my grand children in 2001 that he would go to the Rainbow bridge
on that date.

I lost my sweet Fuzzy December 26th to his insulinoma, no amount of
care would save him.

I had hoped that would be it for awhile but it was not to be. In
February I had to take my sweet Bubba Bear into to be helped to the
Rainbow Bridge. He walked over to his soup one Friday night and his
little back legs quivered then collapsed and he was paralyzed. I had
hoped to just care for him as he was 10 yrs old and I wanted him to
pass at home surrounded by his buddies. It was impossible to keep him
clean at night after I went to bed and for his dignity it was best
for him to meet his best friend Alaya at the bridge.

Not two weeks later my sweet Snoop who had been healthy and active even
at 5 yrs old developed sudden onset of urinary blockage. He had not
signs of Adrenal disease at that point. Off to the vet we ran and he
was found to have a large tumor on his spleen, cardiomyopathy as well
as the urinary blockage from a probable tumor. I had Snoop since he was
a baby, the only kid I have ever purchased at a pet store. He was as
smart as they come and only a week after getting him I had taught him
to roll over for treats. Something he soon needed no hand signal to do,
he saws me and he would start rolling over expecting to get a treat. My
heart was broken at his loss and I prayed that it was over for awhile.

Not to be my special girl Raven who had both Adrenal and Insulinoma
developed a UTI and so off to the vet we went just about a week before
I lost my snoop. She was doing great and her urine cleared uip as well
as her vulva swelling went down dramatically. She was on Melatonin and
doing so well.

Then on day before I went off to my part time job she was running
around the living room and then she was gone. I assume she went to one
of her beds around the house. When I returned later that evening she
did not come out to greet me. She was the official foot inspector of
the house. No one could come in without her going over to ask that
they remove their shoes so she could clean the feet if she felt it was
necessary. I called and called and she did not come. I looked in her
three favorite beds and all the other little places she chose to sleep.
I was frantic she needed her Pred and Melatonin I could not find her .
I did not believe she was outside the house she would not leave without
me. She was my devoted companion and hated other ferrets so I knew she
was somewhere in my house. For tow days I called and called left soup
out and cried I would not find her until there was a bad smell. She was
over 6 possibly 7 years old. Then Thursday night I found her wandering
in circles in the living room. I was so happy but knew she was
hypoglycemic. She cried and cried when I picked her up a sign her blood
sugar was very low. I gave her subqu fluids and fed her. She was so
very hungry. She slept on my chest all night long and I awoke every
couple hours and fed her some soup. By morning she was somewhat better
and I gave her more subqu fluids as she was dehydrated as well. She ate
and got her Pred and I had to go off to work again. I put her in a cage
as I was fearful she would wander off again. I made her comfortable and
left soup for her to eat while I was gone. I was hopeful she was going
to be all right. I returned several hours later to find her dying. I
did everything I could think of but I knew even a trip to an emergency
vet was unnecessary. She would not make it anywhere so she passed to
the Rainbow Bridge in my arms.

I miss her every single day and even with the kids I have left there is
not anytone who can take her special place in my heart. It has taken me
sometime to be able to even write about it. My heart is so broken by
the loss of so many in a months time. All very special in their own
unique way. Bear with his sweet disposition and his love of all food
and treats. Snoop was a dynamo full of life and energy even to the day
he passed. To see him suffer even for a short time was agony. The loss
of my sweet girl and companion Raven was the biggest and hardest to
cope with. I doubt I will ever find a fuzzy that sweet and loving

Now of the five I have left only one is not suffering from Insulinoma
or Adrenal disease or both. Three in the last two months have developed
problems. My Misty has both disease and Casper has insulinoma. My sweet
boy Nemo has adrenal disease with prostate problems. I fear his time is
very limited if things get worse than they are right now. Little Frisky
who's brother Fuzzy passed in December has insulinoma and has been
stable for some time but is losing weight and I am not sure why, the
vet isn't sure why some of my kids are losing weight. I only have one
health kid left bratty Matty who is still going strong. I hope with
care and medicines everyone is going to be well for awhile.

Does anyone have experience with Proscar for prostate enlargement. I
have discussed this option for Nemo with the vet she is unsure of how
much good it does. I want to try it but it will be expensive since it
will have to be compounded for him to take.

All my kids except Matty have refused to eat kibble for the last few
months and I have had to increase their daily soup to twice a day but
only Casper is gaining weight everyone else is still thinner than I
like. Not emaciated but just too thin compared to what they have been.
My vet says it could be seasonal but I am so worried after losing some
many so quickly and only Bear was not a surprise. He had lived very
long for a ferret. I have no one under 5 now and I am fearful that I
will lose more too soon. This is a very difficult time for me I cannot
bear to think that soon I will have no fuzzy s left.

I understand and want to send my sincere condolences to all who have
lost their kids recently. I know that you are as sad as I am right now.

I must head off to work again. Vet bills have been an issue lately and
working more is my only option. I would appreciate any information prop
or con on Prosar, Thank You


[Posted in FML 5926]