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Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:08:35 -0500
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Just so everyone knows, no ferrets have been harmed, can't say as much
for their human caretaker though...

Oh my where to start! My group of rainbow kids make the energizer bunny
look like a turtle. They are so very active, very intent on whatever
they want, full of attitude, energetic, strong, and smart. They are
very enthusiastic when they play, even at 2 yrs old they have the wild
abandon of a youngster. None of my rainbows are cuddlers but they do
adore affection (sssshhhh don't tell anybody!!!).

Last night I was eating a snack, chocolate to be exact, and Xena wanted
to see what I was eating. Now you'll need to know that Xena tries
everything I eat, just one little lick or bite no matter what it is
even if it elicits one of THOSE looks, so telling her NO was like
talking to the wall. I must have put her on the floor 10 times and
each time she ran up the ramp and tried to bully her way onto my lap
to taste the goodies. Raising the plate over my head only caused her
to try and climb my arm so I finally gave up and stood up to finish
eating. So what did she do? Climbed my sweats! I gave up, packaged
up the remainder and put it away. sigh. Look up persistance in the
dictionary and there should be a picture of a Rainbow ferret.

Has anyone's parent called them 'bullheaded'? Hmph. They never met a
rainbow ferret.

Temperments seem to be a bit cranky with this group and tend to pick
up bullying very easily. I've seen them gang up 3 on 1 even when some
of the 'gang' were friends with the victim. I'm guessing someone says
the wrong thing and the fuss ensues but there is definitely a pack
mentality here. Of course I have the hooligans of the Rainbow bunch.

Onyx is determined to make mince-meat out of Tazzy. Tazzy is fast
enough to get away which only adds to Onyx's anger. I end up chasing
that ferret all through the house as he darts in and out of tubes to
get away from me. I put him back in the cage 30 minutes later when I
finally capture him.... every time. Next time I let him out he's
running after the baby again. Onyx is one that has bouts of pasturella
episodes, seems like it's every time the weather changes and in Kansas
that's often, but it doesn't slow him down. Heck when I'm sick I slow
down so it only stands to reason that he should. Maybe I need to read
that rule book to him... When Sully and Onyx are out I spend the time
chasing them down and running them off from others they are after.

Because of such attitudes I've taken to stamping my feet loudly when I
run after them. Makes me giggle when they run for cover!

Sabre had his leg broke on purpose by a store employee when he was a
baby. You'd not know it now. He is a furry bundle of energy. I have to
squish him to my chest if I want a hug then when I let him down you'd
think his little legs were springs!

Another thing I've noticed with the Rainbows is a different smell
to them. It's much sharper than a typical ferret smell. Xena is a
territory marker, and apparently my entire house is her territory,
so my carpet needs steam cleaned often and floors mopped frequently.

As to the Pasturella and strep, they are contagious bacteria spread
through spray from sneezes and coughs. It is treatable but not curable.
A simple trachea swab will determine infection, which is how we found
it in ours. I monitor for signs and start meds right away. The sooner
the meds are started the better for these little ones.

In my experience, all my rainbows had pasturella and/or strep but
not all my other ferrets contracted it, some do and fight it off on
their own, some have recurring bouts. The first round 65% of my group
contracted it. Some that didn't then, did later. Of my group 9% have
recurring bouts with the possibility of infecting others. In some the
first few days can be the worst and some ferrets will appear to be
terribly sick to the point of not making it, but within a few days of
medicating they start feeling better.

My group of rainbows are precious energetic ferrets with attitudes!
Wouldn't trade them for anything.


[Posted in FML 5925]