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Mon, 22 Oct 2007 05:32:52 -0700
Leanne Bochenko <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Yes, you are correct about ferrets and their carnivore status.. BUT
feeding only meat would be bad also. In this I mean that an obligated
carnivore would also require other essentials that they would get on a
whole prey diet. They do need more than just meat, they need it all to
be healthy.

I have two such beasties. They eat day old chicks and mice. Now, they
still eat kibble but it's very low in plant materials. I would also
like to add that Im a big avoider of rice based anything. I haven't
fed anything with rice in it for approx two years or so. I never feed
sugery treats.

Now, for the rest of the crew it's high protein, low carb kibble. Which
again, I've been doing for a couple of years. The only cases of
insulinoma I've had are rescue kids that were older than 2-3 before
they came to live with me. This for me has been pivital (eliminating
carbs, especially rice) as I've had so many over the years with
insulinoma. I hate that dreaded disease much more so than adrenal but
not quite as much as lymphoma. As now the rest of the gang are over
4.5 years old (minus three young ones,two of which are prey eaters),

I'll be interested to see how my theory plays out. That is especially
the one's I've had since young and after eliminating sugars and carbs
from their diets as much as possible.

It's a "stayed tuned" kind of thing. Lukily, no more new cases in the
past year. And with the gang of 4.5+ year kids, it won't be too long
before I know more. They range from that 4.5 years now to 6+.

The two oldest have had it for a couple of years (both partial
pancreodemies that went without meds for an entire year before needing
it again).. so we'll see. But, in my experience eliminating carbs
(especially rice) from their diets (the insulinoma kids) has helped
tremendously in keeping their glucose more stable for a longer period
of time without constantly increasing their meds.

Leanne B

[Posted in FML 5769]