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Sun, 21 Oct 2007 22:24:34 -0500
text/plain (55 lines)
Busy, busy, SaraFerret running around with notes in paws, notes in
mouth and running up to Boss checking with his Big Book of Ferrets.

So Far behind, greetings and checks going unanswered, where oh where is
my human, I know humans are so busy on earth or they aren't feeling
well, or their fuzzies aren't feeling well. And so....

Well anyway, I finds from de Big Book of Ferrets just where Kitti Norko
lives. Her Mommy Fredi would be so proud of her. So down de garden path
I go to Kit and Kaboodle. You see not only are de wings stored dere,
but in back of dere is de KIT HOUSE where all de kits who have no
mommies live and you can imagine how many those might be. Kits from
farm ferrets, kits lab ferrets, kits from anywhere, those kits dat for
some reason never knew dere mommies.

I opened de door and was met by Nurse Kitti Norko. Such a nice
compassionate dark eyed white fuzzy with white wings with black streaks
and such soft dooks. Just de perfect fuzzy for dese little ones. Oh Hi
SaraFerret, she said, what can we do for you. Do you want a kit to
spend a week or two with you like usual.

Well no, not exactly, Kitti, you see I have a note from your Mommy
Fredi, she misses you and wants to know how you are doing.

She does? Oh I miss her too and I loves her so much, but I am so happy
here. But I sure would like to see her.

Den I gots an idea.

So Kitti and I went down de garden path toward de Misting Pond and
sat down beside de cool clear water. She swished de water and Fredi
appeared. Hey Fredi, SaraFerret says you misses me, But I am ok. See
my wings. I am in charge of de kits. De Boss said I was so good and
compassionate dat it was de perfect job for me, so you trains me really
good. I love you Mommy and dis place is great. I miss you too, but
please dont be in a hurry to meet me here. Take your time, and live
happy please. I sees you has pink hair now, its so pretty. Now I wish
I has pink wings, but is ok. You were always such a pretty Mommy.

Den Kitti Norko started throwing hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with
her love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star and sent it on its way
to your house. And with another swish the vision was gone. Den with a
sigh, we both returned to our duties, Kitti to her nursing duties which
she dearly loved--kits were so fun and dey loved her dearly (all called
her Mommy Kitti) and I ran toward de entrance as another fuzzy was

So ended another busy day at de Bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5768]