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Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:33:12 -0500
Rosie Maronese <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
(I have tried posting this e-mail to the FML since Saturday, I hope
it makes it through this time. Not sure what's happening)

[Moderator's note: Please let me know if you were getting any errors
returned to you. And condolances about Shark -- thank you for sharing
his story with us. BIG]

Dear SaraFerret..
I am writing this to you with a sad and heavy heart. I haven't been
able to go on the computer to post until now but would you please greet
our precious baby boy Shark who left us Nov. 7th....he became ill very
quickly and was gone a few days later. All of his cagemates have left
before him to Rainbow Bridge and I think because the others rejected
him except for one, our precious baby Star who became his companion
before he became ill and left us...I think he was missing his brothers
and sister and wanted to be with them. I know in my heart that he loved
us and we loved him very much too and will miss him terribly. I know
that he is whole again and no longer in pain or suffering...he's the
beautiful silver boy that he was when he first came to us at the age
of 4 months.

SaraFerret, please look for his brothers and sisters Booger, Maxine,
Maxi, Fritz, Pepper, Misty, Prince, Bear, Buddy and Snowball and have
them meet him with you at the gates when he arrives and since I am late
with this he is probably there waiting...I'm am in tears and finding it
so hard to write this...please tell him that his Mom, Dad and brothers
Star, Max and sisters, Lady, Princess and Angel miss him very much and
let him know how sorry we are and that we did the best that we could.
We all wish we could have had more time with him. Please give him hugs
and kisses from us all.

Also, please remind all our babies that we miss them all terribly and
Love them Forever and Always.

Love Always
Mom & Dad

[Posted in FML 5797]