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Sun, 7 Oct 2007 02:38:37 -0400
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
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Well, since it seems that there are all types of ideas and rumors
going around, I figured I might as well put in some facts.

First, the people who were working with HSUS and USDA were not all
from Michigan. It was a group of people that would bounce ideas off
one another, and dig through the various laws, public documents (tax
records and such) and contact various governmental agencies on the
city, county, state, and federal level.

We called ourselves the "Ohio Rescue Team," and we operated as such
while doing what was asked of us by whichever agency asked. Perhaps
we became like that annoying mosquito always buzzing in your ear to
the governmental agencies, and the McKays.

Before we even approached HSUS, we did work out an evacuation, triage,
transport, test, and alter plan. One of the most important things we
needed when approaching the HSUS with this scale of a rescue. We went
in with the whole thing mapped out; showing them that all they had to
do was get us on the farm LEGALLY. We would catalogue, photograph, and
document in accordance with what was needed for a conviction. There are
very specific things to photograph when you know it will be used for
evidence. There are very specific ways to label the photographs for
presentation to a jury. The entire process is tedious and very detailed

We had worked out the whole thing for them, down to a location large
enough to house the ferrets. Again, this whole plan was based upon the
HSUS doing its job and getting us on the property legally. When going
in legally, there is notification to all involved. They do not just
show up in guerrilla fashion. Even with as little as 24 hour notice,
it would have gone into effect.

Many that had promised involvement did so under the condition it was
a legal seizure with the involvement of the HSUS or USDA. Even though
this shelter and MFRAN are non-profit 501 c 3 corporations and they
would be getting a tax write off, involvement of HSUS or USDA would
equal publicity. National Publicity. When you can dangle the
possibility of National publicity for doing the right thing in the
front of the faces of profit driven corporations, you get help, if
things happen according to plan. One came out and told me, no
publicity, and no help. Ah, the pursuit of the all mighty dollar,
it can make one a saint or a sinner.

You do not think publicity is that powerful? HSUS was working with us,
they supposedly did their own investigation, but as soon as the Michael
Vic case came to light they dropped us like a hot potato, and we hadn't
heard from them since. Personally, I think they were blowing smoke up
our proverbial you know what.

However, things do not go according to plan. LOL!! They never seem to.
Lori received a call from the McKay family. Come get them. And she did.
She did the best she could on a phone call that said get here, NOW.
The group of us that were working with the USDA, banned together, and
everything we had accumulated and then some for the potential rescue
brought them to her for the ferrets that were rescued. We even dug into
our own supplies to provide what we could to help with the daunting
task she had laid before her.

She paid a feed bill, and got the family to sign a surrender contract
that stated they are closing. I venture to say that anyone of us would
do the same thing. What was the difference between when donations were
being taken to get ferrets off that farm and what Lori did? A signed
contract stating that they are closed. Unique Impressions is no more.
All of the ferrets were removed from the farm. ALL OF THEM.

When people were going in and buying ferrets from Unique impressions,
they were buying ferrets at $100, $500, $1000, even $2000 at a time,
with no contract, saving only a few, but leaving many to continue to be
bred, and continue the cycle. It helped continue the cycle by allowing
some influx of cash to pay COD for feed. I am not saying what they
did was wrong. Never would I say that. But once people slowed down
purchasing the ferrets, and the USDA (APHIS) went in, inspected, and
turned the heat up, he became desperate enough to buckle. He panicked,
so did his family. By still talking to Doug, Lori was the only one
they could call, he couldn't call this shelter, he was suing us and
that would have gone against that lawsuit, he couldn't call anyone in
Michigan, again that would have gone against his lawsuit. He had an
open dialogue with Lori, and it was the only reason he called her. If
she had not had that dialogue with him, who knows what would have
happened to the ferrets. It is because Lori had the presence of mind
to keep him talking that those ferrets made it out. Lori did one he**
of a good job.

Public record, you can get this information from the USDA Freedom of
Information Officer. July 30th, USDA (APHIS) went in and did a search,
and inspection. He was found to have been operating illegally under
Federal Regulations. He was left with information on how to obtain a
USDA permit, and what he had to do to come up to standards. Doug had a
USDA permit in 1996 but either gave it up or lost it due to failing an
inspection. Depends on who you talk to what happened. That information
has been destroyed since they only keep records for 3 years. On the
report you can obtain from the USDA Freedom of information officer,
it stated NO SALES until he brought his farm up to standards and
obtained a permit. Do I know what the final straw was that brought
the USDA/APHIS in? Yes I do, but I cannot give that out until the law
suit is settled or thrown out of court, but it was a HUGE NO NO in
the USDA/APHIS rules. Do I believe there were fines? You bettcha!!

Now, people want to know if Lori will help those being sued. If someone
is served with a subpoena, they must provide what is asked in the
subpoena or face contempt of court charges, with fines and jail time.
Do you know anyone who would be willing to pay fines and sit in jail
by not doing as the court asks? This is as much as I can say without
endangering the group being sued, and this shelter is listed first on
the hit parade followed by me personally, MFRAN, Kris and Mary Mewton
and others.

There is much more than you know or is out there. Much cannot be
discussed because of the suit, and the surrender does affect the suit.
So please do not try to spread rumors or come up with conclusions that
are based in hearsay, do not keep screaming, and restating things that
may be half-truths.

Do not be so naive as to think that things that are posted cannot be
printed off and given to their lawyer, do not be so na•ve as to believe
what you said cannot be twisted to defend the McKays. Do not be so
na•ve as to think that just because all you did was say your opinion
you cannot be subpoenaed to appear in court.

Now, some may think, well, if you people go down because of this
lawsuit, so what. You may even have contempt for the others or myself.
Do not think that you will be hurting us, humans survive. Who will be
hurt are the ferrets in our care. The seventy plus here, the ones that
MFRAN cares for, the sick and the elderly that Lora still cares for.

Please do not endanger this shelter or the others on this frivolous
lawsuit. Please be content in the fact Unique Impressions is closed,
and will not breed any more. Be content that Doug McKay will not breed

Hug your ferrets,

Jean Caputo-Lee
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
4116 Bucyrus Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44109
Non-Profit, No-Kill
Volunteers are the backbone of ALL shelters.
Little donations add up to BIG Miracles

[Posted in FML 5753]