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Tue, 3 Dec 2007 09:59:05 -0500
" Possum Senior Reporter" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (186 lines)
December 2007
Master Largo's News
Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum Here: It's Christmastime!!!! I just soooo looooove Christmas! It
is so beautiful and I get lots of presents.

Suzie Q here: So do all of the rest of us Possum; we have tones of news
so we need to get on with it.

Possum Here: Here comes Santa clause; here comes Santa clause right
down ferret farm lane....

Suzie Q here: Enough Possum! I am going to start! First mum wants you
all to know we got lots and lots of turkey day cards, she said it was
wonderful to hear from so many of you, see wonderful pictures of your
fur kids that have 4-ever homes and read stories about how happy their
mom and dads are to have them. We sure love the cards and news, thank
you for thinking of us. Next important thing is the ferret club
http://ferretloversuny.org/ Christmas party has been postponed / moved
to February. This is the message from the president and vice president:
The club board members have made the decision to postpone the Christmas
party for the month of December. Due to many health issues of board
members ferrets and shelter ferrets, family issues of many members we
deem it necessary to move the party to a later date. However we have
set a month date for February, the board needs some input on what
Sunday would best meet the needs of our members. Where the party will
be hosted will be determined at a later date. Any questions or concerns
can be directed to Stephanie or Kristie

Possum Here: Hey! hey will you wait a minute I am not done talking
about Santa day!

Suzie Q here: Yes you are! We have too many things to cover and talking
about Santa day is not one of them. One Sunday Miss Rikki and Miss
Madison came to help mum, they ride the big yellow thingy that mum
drives, Miss Donna D. was here too that day. They helped in the
shelter, so mum could finish the living room floor. They even helped
mum get more tiles up the stairs. Mum has been at that floor for over a
year! It is done. Go take a look at what she did; just so we can come
up to hang out with her when she don't have to drive the big yellow
Do you know 41 of you went to our web shots site to look at our
pictures last month?

Possum Here: A big Box came in the mail from Washington State with FOOD
that mum can eat, a tiny stuffed ferret and P.M. DVD's just in time for
Turkey day for mum to have a Perry mason marathon, only mums T.V. died.
Miss Donna D. is letting mum use her old T.V. only it won't let mum
play the DVD player so mum didn't get to have the P.M. marathon this
turkey day. Thanks Mr. Ross and Miss Lynne for the goodie box. Miss
Stacie camed to our house to see if she could get the DVD player to
work on Miss Donna's TV but she couldn't, Mum says she is not
electronicly inclined so she has to call Miss Stacie to help her with
stuffs like that. Miss Stacie took mums boxes home with her and got
them all put together; so mum was doing the weasel dance. She was so
happy. Oh! Oh I got this note from Miss Nichole last month take a look,
Possum, when did you get a bright red truck and what were you doing in
Corning New York? I saw a truck with your name on the license plate
yesterday...it said POSSUM 1 and it passed me real fast on the highway.
You gotta slow down miss possum or you're going to get a speedin'
ticket. Just cause mums human kid is a policeman doesn't mean you can
drive as fast as you want.


Possum Here: OH NO; Another imposter? What's a girl to do? No, Miss
Nicky, I wanted to drive but mum said absolutely not! So Miss Nicky
will you please do me a favor when you see that red truck again will
you see who is really driving it, so I can alert mums 2 legged
policeman to give them a ticket for impostering me? PLEASE? Thanks
for the heads up, I need to keep these imposters in check so I only
get in trouble for what I do. Possum the real one

Suzie Q here: Geeezzzz can we get on with it? Mum had a long travel day
to our favorite doc. with popcorn and Velcro. Popcorn needed his fixed
broken leg looked at and Velcro was going to have an operation to get
blue stings in her belly. Mum took Miss Stacie's Toby up with her to
see our favorite doc. too cause his mom was worried he was sick. Nope
our favorite doc said he is a-okay! Mum met up with Miss Stephanie that
same day to pick up her girls to bring to camp, then she went to see
Miss Stephanie's new house, well it is Mr. Tom's new house too. Anyway
then Miss Stephanie and mum went to Michelle's for a home visit. Miss
Michelle passed with flying colors, she gots to take 2 kids home with
her over winter break. Taz and Milo have a new 4-ever home.

Possum Here: Excuse me, do you mind if I tell some news?

Suzie Q here: No; I do not mind at all but do you know how to tell

Possum Here: cute; Suzie Q. Mum fell one morning before work, she says
she slipped on someone's pee/poo. Like we poo and pee where mum walks!
Not likely! Mum says she saw stars, got sick to her stomach, crawled
over to the couch praying she was not broke. Her prayers were answered
she was NOT broke. Hurt but not broke! Miss Mary B. and Miss Joy came
to visit, they delivered dog beds for the store. They stayed to play
with us for a little while, but they came on a day mum had to drive
the big yellow thingy so they could not stay long. Mum found a New toy
maker for us so we are getting crazy crochet toys made again. Kristie
and Donna D. came to help one Sunday, Miss Donna brought us treats, and
Miss Cathy R. sent us treats. Thanks ladies we love you. Then one day
when Miss Donna was here it was nice out side so she tooks Mau, Jessie
and Jojo out to play in the play yard. Mau likes to go up Miss Donna's
pant leg and crawl all the way up to her hinny. Miss Donna wears 2 long
pants when she comes here so she can let us do that if we want. Miss
Donna laughs and laughs when we go up her pant legs. Somebody gots mum
a gluten free pie crust mix. Mum has not had a piece of pie in 4 yrs.
So mum got the mix out when she was on vacation from school, she cooked
2 real pumpkins and made herself a pumpkin pie. YUMMMM mums face lit
up. She got to eat pumpkin pie. So who ever sent mum the pie crust mix
thanks for maken our mum light up like a Christmas tree with delight.

Suzie Q here: Oh boy here you go again with the Christmas topic!

Crumb Bum's face was getting really big, mum wanted her to go see our
favorite doc, so when Mr. Tom and Miss Stephanie came to pick up their
girls from camp on Sunday they took Crumb and Kalie home with them to
get Crumb in to see Doc on Monday morning. Doc did surgery on her
Monday night; he took a back tooth but was not so sure it was the tooth
that was the problem. He said the sack on her face had infection in it
and some seed like debris. He lanced the out side too and flushed it
out. He is sended her and some heavy hitting antibiotics home for her.
He thinks that should take care of it. She came come home Tuesday, Miss
Stephanie and Mr. Tom brought them home to mum. Okay that is all the
news for this month.

Possum Here: No its not! Have a berry Merry Christmas every body, from
all of us to all of you!

Possum senior reporter; Suzie Q always in my fur

Suzie Q here: Until next month....... Byeeee

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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[Posted in FML 5811]

=========================================================================Date:    Tue, 4 Dec 2007 11:17:31 -0500
From:    Ferretwise <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Holiday Open House

We had it just before the storm and we all had a great time.

These days the numbers seem to dwindle from what it used to be. Some
folks had to work, some folks were a tad under the weather-- but that
did not deter the core of the hospice group at Ferret Wise form adding
some Holiday Cheer to our lives!

Greg published a great account on his blog page:

Marilyn is missing from this photo - someone had to document the yearly
seasonal gathering!

Meanwhile Nestle has been thrilled to received extra chicken treats
for putting up with the inconveniences of folks in "his" domain. What
a funny old cus!

Elric, Barn-y, Blossom & Destiny are flat ferreting on regular occasion
as they wait for the next n-bone shipment to arrive from Drs Foster &
Smith.. and we are all now hunkered down with a snowy ground covering
here in the north.

And so the winter has settled in at Ferret Wise- and we all send you
the best wishes for a wonderful Holiday Seasoin.

Alicia - for the many faces of Ferret Wise

[Posted in FML 5811]