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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0901 20219 180 30_Natural feeding [log in to unmask], 27 Jan 2009 10:54:12 -0800385_- Beth supposes:
>The main problem with feeding any domestic animal live prey is that
>they often instinctively become more aggressive- they have to in
>order to survive- they have to hunt their food and kill it to live.
>Therefore they are more likely to play harder, fight more and
>pstill unopened. They can smell the fat through anything, I
swear! I also have a rather large white boy,Rikki, just over a year
old, who ate well on TF and ballooned to over 1900 grams. But since I
have added some other boys to his group he is slimming down with more
activity, down to a [...]48_17Oct200800:14:[log in to unmask] 0810 10352 12 20_Re: Butter Butt Club13_Debra [log in to unmask], 17 Oct 2008 10:24:31 -0400154_- You can enroll my Charlie, he loves both, PLUS peanut butter!


Vampire Inn - Sleep All Day; Party All Night

[Posted in FML 6127]40_17Oct200810:24:[log in to unmask] 0810 10365 22 22_Re: ZillasFuzzyFriends6_Pat [log in to unmask], 17 Oct 2008 10:19:28 -0400571_- James,

I can only imagine the pain you must be going through both physically
and mentally at this point. The most important for you to do right now
is work on getting better physically. Once you are healed up, you can
tackle everything else. Having gone through two divorces of my own, I
know how devastating it can be. You may one day look back and realize
it happened for the best. I truly believe everything happens to us for
a reason even though the reason may not be clear in the beginning. Get
well first and everything else will [...]42_17Oct200810:19:[log in to unmask] 0810 10388 25 15_Ivan has a lump18_Kristina [log in to unmask], 18 Oct 2008 16:37:04 -0700539_- My 2.5 year old, sable, male MF has a lump under his front right arm.
I just found it today and of course the vet is closed till monday. I'm
going to be out of town till wed and am going to bring him with me.
Unfortunately its my anniversary and were going to California. Where as
we all know, ferrets are illegal. I've never been stopped at the border
so I hope we get through. The lump is the size of a grape under the
loose ferret flesh. It doesn't move and he's acting fine. He's eating,
drinking, pooping, [...]45_18Oct200816:37:[log in to unmask] 0810 10414 33 43_The Ariel Fund Raffle - Just Two Days [log in to unmask], 18 Oct 2008 01:46:28 -0400527_- Hi All:

Just a reminder that The Ariel Fund raffle goes through Monday the
20th. with the winners being announced on the 21st.

I realize that there are a lot of raffles going on right now. Even if
you don't wish to buy a bunch of tickets for another raffle, straight
donations are also accepted to help out the family who needs veterinary
care for their animals, after being laid off work & having one ferret
die from distemper, after no vets would see them w/out payment in
advance. [...]38_18Oct200801:46:[log in to unmask] 0810 10448 111 18_Greetings for Luci11_Greeter [log in to unmask], 19 Oct 2008 02:32:43 -0400431_- Night had settled over the Meadow of Dreams and No. 421 blew out the
lamp and settled down to go to sleep. He had just drifted off when
there was a knock on his door. No. 421 snuggled down deeper; the knock
became louder.

"No. 421 -- is you asleep yet," Oliver shouted. "Get up, we has a late
night arrival -- the Receiving Angel came up himself to get me and tell
me to find you." [...]47_19Oct200802:32:[log in to unmask] 0810 10560 71 27_Introducing Valentine Mike!16_Rachel [log in to unmask], 18 Oct 2008 13:25:28 -0400434_- Hi everyone,

Follow-up to my last p
Fri, 17 Oct 2008 06:39:43 EDT
text/plain (16 lines)
The whole butter and mayo thing has gotten me thinking about Smudge. He
was quite the clown and loved to "share" my plate especially if it was
spaghetti. I have a habit of sitting on the couch when I eat. Smudge
was forever curious as to what I was eating. One evening I let him
sniff my spaghetti. He sniffed a bit then WHAMMO he took one good grab,
got a good sized mouthful then BAM! he was off like a shot. Spaghetti
and sauce flying behind him like a kites tail. I about laughed myself
sick. Of course he came back for more and was squirrely as he had
spaghetti stuck in his fur. He just had to "taste" everything I ate.
Smudge was truly my little clown.
Terry and Eight Tatty Brats

[Posted in FML 6127]