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Thu, 25 Oct 2007 18:27:56 -0500
text/plain (82 lines)
Today was such a lovely day at de bridge dat SaraFerret was just
hanging out with a group of kits watching dem play and dance. All
of a sudden Dexter, de little boy courier, dashed by and squeaked,
SawaFewwet, dere's a note for yous. A fuzzy is getting weady to cwoss
de bwidge and yous best gets over dere and meets him. He is weally
having pwoblems. He hands me de note instead of dropping it on me as
usual and zips off for parts unknown. Wowsie! Dat kit sure has worse
speech problems den I do and dats saying some. I quick reads de note
and runs to de entrance.

Just in time! I see dis big fuzzy kinda wandering across holding
desperately onto de handropes. Oh mercy, why does he keep looking down.
Finally he makes it. I starts to introduce myself and he stops me,
saying I can't hears you my young fuzzy lady, you see I is deaf.

Hmmmm, I says. Then all of a sudden: POOF! The big fuzzy looks around
and I starts to introduce myself again, Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de

Hey, he says, I can hear you now, what happened.

Oh its just one of dose things dat happens here, I replys. Den I goes
ahead, Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Here you will have no pain or
suffering. You will run free in green grass and have no nasty litter
pans. You will have lotsa of friends and did I mention fun and games.

Well de big fuzzy just kept looking real puzzled-like and finally said,
Uh, I don't understand all dis, but my name's Lenny and I has been
really sick and finally my Mommy says it was time for me to cross a
bridge. Was dat what I was on. It sure bounced a lot.

Yes, Lenny, dat was de Bridge dat you crossed. Dis is your new forever
home. Dere are some fuzzies from your old home. Dey came here before
you came. You will meet dem later. Den Lenny noticed my wings.

Hey what are dose things on your back--dey sure look funny, what do you
use dose things for? (All in one breath).

Oh, I replys, we use dese to fly around de heavens, did you notice dat
when you came across de bridge dat dere were clouds below. So we use de
wings to fly around. It sure beats bouncing from cloud to cloud. It
would get tiring real fast. Lenny and I both dooked and laughed over
dat. Well he understood den de idea of de wings.

So off we went down de garden path toward Kit and Kaboodle where de
wings were stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box
(of course). Lenny opened de box and took out de wings--neon green-
perfect for a big, goofy, loveable guy fuzzy-de better to see him. I
got a stepladder and helped him on with his wings and adjusted his
halo. He ran to de big vanity mirror and looked at his reflection and
for de first time he saw what a handsome fuzzy he was meant to be. He
turned to me and said, Gee, I wish Mommy could see me now. Den I gots
an idea.

As we went out de door, we was met by a group of fuzzies who yelled,
SURPRISE! Dere was Gracie-Lou, Murphy, and Butters waiting to greet him
and welcome him. So off we went down de garden path toward de Misting
Pond. We all sat down by de cool clear water and with one swish Mommy
and all de fuzzies he had left behind appeared. Hey, Mommy, dey all
dooked and waved, see us. Dey thought dey saw Mommy look up at de sky
and smile. Lenny dooked, Hey Mommy I crosses a bridge like dat PEACE
BRIDGE IN BUFFALO like you always talks about. Just like on earth. But
it wasn't de same thing. I can hears now and I gots pretty green wings.
I loves you Mommy. Thanks for taking me in and rescuing me. Den Lenny
and de others started throwing hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with
dere love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was headed to
earth. Den with another swish de vision was gone.

So off we went down de garden path. I checked with Lenny to see if he
wanted de grand tour of de bridge. But de others said dat dey would
take him another day. After all dis was de first day of his new forever
home and he had a big party to attend at his cottage. I left dem dere
and I headed back to de entrance. Dere was another fuzzy crossing.

So ended another day at de Bridge.

Loveys and Hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5772]