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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0710 2851 137 83_9 Ferrets from Ohio Rescue have arrived in Massachusetts at South Shore Ferret [log in to unmask], 2 Oct 2007 13:46:08 +0000428_- Nine Ferrets from the massive Ohio Ferret Reso be?
Can I bear the heat of the flames that will come my way?
(Thinking Hard...)
I really shouldn't.
I know better.
I've been kicking around the FML for years now, and I know what can
(Sigh....) [...]42_22Jun200709:14:[log in to unmask] 0706 12691 17 38_male carrying off womans sandle [log in to unmask], 22 Jun 2007 08:51:45 EDT334_- Dear Sue

The sand le was to be delivered to my home. I had 2 sandles stolen...
one shoe in blue and one shoe in brown. I recently asked all my thieves
to be allowed at least one pair of sandles to wear this summer please.
I told them I had to be firm on this and for them to make any necessary
arrangements. [...]40_22Jun200708:51:[log in to unmask] 0706 12709 18 15_word of warning7_Kim [log in to unmask], 22 Jun 2007 04:31:57 -0700534_- I'm not looking for another battle Debbie. I did read your post, but if
this type of check, WHATEVER it was, was so reliable, then there should
have been no problem in the transaction processing smoothly...btw, if
YOU will notice I made not mention of the exchange of the snakes.

Kimberly Fox
Director/Rescue Mom
Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue
Pay Pal accepted for donations at this email address. [...]56_22Jun200704:31:[log in to unmask] 0706 12728 23 15_Surprise's (OT)11_Anna [log in to unmask], 22 Jun 2007 19:24:42 -0700497_- I had posted a couple months ago about my vacation at Lake Road Ferret
Farm well what I didn't add was that Brenda and I went to a little
store to get a tape measure because the ferrets keep taking them all
to there hiding place and as we was there I had come across the candy
section and seen my favorite candy bar and I had to get a couple
because when I am out west I can't find any at all SO last week I got a
couple packs of Foamy Fries from Brenda sent to the house [...]45_22Jun200719:24:[log in to unmask] 0706 12752 25 27_Lost Ferret in Oregon [log in to unmask], 23 Jun 2007 14:21:52 -0700507_- BENTON COUNTY SHERIFF

Ferret in bed The sheriff's office got a call last Thursday from a
woman at a residence on Highland Boulevard in Corvallis who said that
a ferret had crawled into her 5-year-old daughter's bed during the
night. The woman thought the animal had come into the house through the
heating system. She captured the ferret and put it into a cardboard box
until a deputy arrived and took it to an animal shelter. It's believed
that the ferret is someone's pet. [...]44_23Jun200714:21:[log in to unmask] 0706 12778 27 34_Ferret needs home in Cleveland, [log in to unmask], 23 Jun 2007 14:27:48 -0700492_- This is from a person I know on another list. I am not sure if we have
any readers there, but maybe let her know what shelters are there?

I'm so sad. My fuzzy boy, Goose, needs a new home but I don't know how

to find it for him. A month ago we moved into a new place and our
landlord wont let him stay here. He's been at my in-law's since we
moved in. They keep asking what I want them to do with him but don't
like my answer which is for them to keep him so [...]38_23Jun200714:27:[log in to unmask] 0706 12806 18 12_Scarey cough6_Dave [log in to unmask], 23 Jun 2007 18:37:37 EDT517_
Fri, 22 Jun 2007 19:12:47 -0500
text/plain (76 lines)
Hi, this is SaraFerret. Today is a beautiful day as usual at de Bridge.
Unfortunately on earth it isnt always so lovely for those who have lost
their beloved furries. However they can take consolation in the fact
that their beloveds are no longer in pain.

I am at the entrance and I see dis beautiful salt and pepper silver
furry crossing de bridge. Wowsie, is dis guy having a hard time, just a
major struggle, barely putting one paw in front of another. He finally
makes it. He introduces himself to me and says, my name is Taz or
Tazzie as Mommy Kim always calls me. I has been feeling really lousy,
whats wit my heart always actin funny, but Mommy always lets me sleeps
besides her and she hugs me all de time. She always tells me dat I
would be met by a bridge greeter named SaraFerret, are you her?

Finally, I was able to get a word in edgewise and said, Yes, I am.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Here you will have no more pain or
suffering and you will have great food and be able to run and play
wit all de ferrets and never have a moment's worry.

Taz looks at me and says, Hey, other den de pain and my heart, I had
all dat on earth. Since I am feeling so great now, can I just turn
around and go back to Mommy Kim. She was crying so hard when I left.

I looks at him and says, Ummm, 'Fraid not, Taz, Once you are here, dis
is it, you are here for all eternity. Taz looks hard at me, and den wit
a tear accepted it as most ferrets seem to do. But I tells him. Dere
will come a time in de distant future when Mommy Kim will cross de
bridge and you and her will be reunited and you will run and play with
her once again. This seemed to cheer him up a lot.

Just then, I saw another ferret who also belonged to Mommy Kim,
crossing de bridge (SIGH!) and both Taz and I welcomed little Autumn to
de bridge. I introduced myself to her, and says Hi I am SaraFerret, de
bridgegreeter and you must be Autumn. She seemed so shocked, she just
stood still. Den she saw Taz. Dey danced together in happiness. At
least dey had each other. Dey would not be alone. But dey would no
longer have Mommy Kim.

Den we talked about de wings. WINGS? Dey both shouted. We get WINGS?

Sure enough, I said. So off we we to de Wing House. Up on de counter
were two big boxes: one marked Taz and one marked Autumn. Autumn opened
hers first and she pulled out a sparkling pair of green wings with
black stripes which made her look a bit like a butterfly. We helped her
on wit dem and fitted her wit a halo. Den Taz went over to his box and
opened it up and pulled out a pair of crimson wings, perfect for a salt
and pepper silver ferret. Dey both went over to de mirror and admired
dere new wings and both practiced fluffing dere wings. I cautioned dem
both not to practice flying yet as beginners had been known to crash
without having had flyin lessons. Dey laughed and dooked over dat. Den
we went out de door and were greeted by Missy Kim's ferrets who had
preceded dem across de bridge

SURPRIZE! Read de sign. Den we all trotted over to de misting pond.
We all sat around while I swished de water. Dey could see Mommy Kim
weeping and crying and dey knew she had not been feeling well. But dey
started throwing kisses on a shooting star that was headed down her way
and since it wouldnt reach her for a couple of days dey hoped she would
know de kisses were from dem when dey reached her because dey would
smell like musty ferrets and tickle her cheeks. Dey sent dere love and
hugs but dey werent quite sure how dose would reach her.

Den we all went down de garden path to a welcome to de bridge party and
so ended another day at de bridge and de beginning of dere new life

Hugs and loveys

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[Posted in FML 5647]