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for information on how the kidney problems occur.

There is a shorter link now for the FDA news interview transcript today
which Bill Gruber pointed out to me: [...]41_9May200716:46:[log in to unmask] 0705 6108 58 33_Re: The worst people in the [log in to unmask], 9 May 2007 20:34:47 EDT572_- Hi all ~

I met the worst people in the world yesterday, and they are still
parked next door. You know how Keith Oberman (MSNBC) does "The Worst
Person in the World" each night? Got some.

This campground is a lovely big one. Campgrounds sort of have a "rules
of the road" just like boaters. It's a courtesy. There are our 2
spaces, and in between a common area for anyone who wants extra space.
We had put up the play cages for our fuzzies only on our half, and had
our own picnic table. When I went out yesterday [...]42_9May200720:34:[log in to unmask] 0705 6167 46 25_Man punches Ferret - info10_Michelle [log in to unmask], 9 May 2007 06:06:13 -0700558_- This is a case that happened in Japan recently. Here is what I remember
from the summary of the information I made for others at that time:

One of SONY's employees was just all over the news... 2 weeks ago for
torturing and killing 2-3 dozen small animals. The man posted video of
himself brutilizing a ferret on youtube, and some people recognized
something in the video and sent notice to the cops in that area -
southern Japan. Of course he got off with a slap on the wrist, but
it's really bad PR for SONY. The second hit [...]40_9May200706:06:[log in to unmask] 0705 6214 36 18_My letter to Utube15_Roberta [log in to unmask], 9 May 2007 18:44:31 -0500555_- I have sent the following letter. I refuse to watch the videos. Those
of us who shelter have had enough experience with those who abuse and
neglect animals.

"As someone who for over 15 years has sheltered domestic European
ferrets I am outraged that you encourage their abuse by publically
displaying this unlawful behavior. The people who post such things
are obviously seeking sick attention and you are supporting this
pathological behavior by allowing them to post videos such as, and
including, the following: [...]39_9May200718:44:[log in to unmask] 0705 6251 39 16_Re: Ferret [log in to unmask], 9 May 2007 10:30:19 -0400443_- Whenever I see a video like this on YouTube, I flag it as
inappropriate. It doesn't get it off the website, unfortunately, but
at least it makes it slightly more dificult to access for the morbidly

Personally, just watching the *beginning* of this video make me sick to
my stomach. I couldn't watch any further than the first few seconds.
Why anyone considers this "entertainment" is beyond me. [...]37_9May200710:30:[log in to unmask] 0705 6291 28 16_Re: Ferret Abuse8_Claire [log in to unmask], 9 May 2007 10:51:59 -0400619_- On May 8, 2007, VIBLEL wrote:
>Here is a letter from Penny Hendrix, President of the AFA, to YouTube.
> ... get these videos removed immediately! These are very sick videos.
>I myself could not even watch. The ferret is literally beaten to death
>by hand. Absolutely Sickening!

I'd like to point out that the original sick video HAS already been
removed; what remains are the news stories about the perp being
arrested. Because they ARE news stories, they h
Wed, 9 May 2007 18:06:32 -0400
text/plain (28 lines)
Rocky got a definite diagnosis of insulinoma today, and I have liquid
pediapred to give him twice a day. Other than Bob's CG, what can I put
it in? Rocky's very fussy. He doesn't like Uncle Jim's Duck Soup, or
kibble diluted with water or just about anything processed. He doesn't
really even like kibble since he's been eating raw chicken & CG. I may
not be able to make CG until after the summer, so I need an easy

Someone mentioned diluting baby food with water. The one time I tried
giving him baby food, he didn't like it. One person said her ferret(s)
would only eat a specific baby food. If you see this message, please
let me know which brand. Or should I just buy a bunch of different

Would it be ok to put it in some water with ferretone? When I put even
a drop of ferretone in Rocky's water, he drinks a lot. I don't know if
it would cover the taste of the med.

Does anyone know how long it will take to see a difference in his
strength after taking the meds? I forgot to ask the vet.

Thanks to all for your advice and suggestions.

Shron & Rocky

[Posted in FML 5603]