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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0712 3221 42 37_November Update from TheHideyHole.Com9_THH Admin17_thh.nce. It looks like we will have about 8 or 9 really nice
packages. We desperately need this raffle to be a success. My foot
problems are far from over and four kids that we just took in require
surgery. Three adrenals, one facial swelling that will [...]55_6Sep200701:54:[log in to unmask] 0709 4074 36 20_Ferrets & [log in to unmask], 6 Sep 2007 08:17:16 EDT440_- A few months ago I posted asking if anyone had successfully integrated
ferrets and greyhounds. I got some true horror stories, and I also got
some great advice from people who had been able to have both species
happily co-exist in thier home.

I worked with a local greyhound rescue to find a retired grey who was
very cat friendly (seeks out their companionship), and we tested him
on ferrets. He ignored them. [...]35_6Sep200708:17:[log in to unmask] 0709 4111 56 7_angoras14_Sukie [log in to unmask], 6 Sep 2007 13:08:56 -0400613_- Deb wrote:

>Chris said any genetic defects are eliminated from her stock with
>no if ands or buts.

Okay, just speaking as someone who spent a LOT of time in Genetics, E&E
and paleo classes and who still reads things on the topic regularly:
The above statement is IMPOSSIBLE. Sorry, it just can't be done. That
isn't just because of things which can "hide", it is also because all
of us (and all of everyone's ferrets) can pretty much be guaranteed to
have more than one mutation. Most mutations are benign, of course, but
not all are. Point blank: if [...]41_6Sep200713:08:[log in to unmask] 0709 4168 17 14_M & P Ferretry11_Stacey [log in to unmask], 6 Sep 2007 07:57:17 -0500490_- Having personally visited Chris' Ferretry and Shelter, I can attest
that her angora's are REMARKABLE! They are just beautiful, and the
sweetest things I've ever been around! As Bobbi (McCanse) and I (and
our poor volunteers) have been dealing with two litters of very (very!)
bitey denmarks (some angoras), I was hesitant to hold Chris' kids...
but oh my, they were just incredible! And, kuddos to Chris for having
such a top notch operation. I was very impressed! [...]40_6Sep200707:57:[log in to unmask] 0709 4186 20 46_Ferrets in the news - from sea to shining sea!7_R [log in to unmask], 6 Sep 2007 19:20:34 -0400336_- Edmonton ferret is one lucky critter!

California efforts again:

And, fun in Florida.
<http://www.pensacolanewsjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070906/LIFE/709060328/1004>38_6Sep200719:20:[log in to unmask] 0709 4207 33 24_Timmy needs a home in AZ30_Morning Starr Animal [log in to unmask], 7 Sep 2007 08:18:31 -0700526_- Timmy is a 6 months old ferret with special needs as he is paralyzed
in the back end. He needs a home with someone who is experienced with
a ferret that needs help to pee and poop.He is very playful and gets
along very well with younger ferrets. He is a bit much for the older
ones. He has a ferret flyer, that he has already outgrown. I have
posted about Timmy before and got great replies but from far away. We
will not ship him so it has to be someone who is near Northern Arizona
or is willing [...]42_7Sep200708:18:[log in to unmask] 0709 4241 23 22_Martinsburg W Va ferts12_Aarrow-Ranch20
Thu, 6 Sep 2007 20:37:39 EDT
text/plain (29 lines)
I just want to apologize for starting the whole "Pez Head" chain here.

I do know that it is not a definite sign of deafness but is a sign of
possible deafness. When I mentioned it in regards to the ferret at
Petco, this was after I had shaken a bottle of aspirin behind his body
and he never reacted and within a few moments did the "pez head" motion
which cause me to believe he is a POSSIBLE deafy.

I learned of the pez head motion when I got my ferret Shea and was
looking for ways to train him. Wolfy, I do believe it was on your site
that I first saw mention of it, but also saw it on many other sites
after. I just assumed this was a common ferret term.

I never intending to start a battle on here with all the posts.

I will think more seriously before I post again.
Sandy Z 
and the Fiercesome Foursome
Lucifer, Kyba, Shea,
and Introducing Thanos

[Moderator's note: Sandy, I think your post and the ensuing discussions
were informative and friendly. Please don't think TOO seriously before
you post again or we may miss out! BIG]

[Posted in FML 5723]