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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0710 6089 27 61_Shelter list and Transport Inquir from NM (gallup) to Arizona8_Angela [log in to unmask], 6 Oct 2007 10:04:13 -0700456_- Alright some lists are up now for shelters, some also need

Well, Ping discovered it during last night's romp. He walked up to it
carefully, head lowered, ears hitched back a little. He sniffed it
carefully, and stood up against it, one long brown paw curled around
the zippered edge. Then he looked up at me and I [...]42_28Jun200720:27:[log in to unmask] 0706 15829 30 12_Mum is home!22_Possum Senior [log in to unmask], 29 Jun 2007 10:18:04 -0400523_- Mum is home! She is finally back to being our mum! She came home sooo
tired. I will give you lots of news but I wanted to give you some stuff
now before the news. Hee hee; I will be reporting the news ( not Suzie
Q) because I know what was going on all weekend long. See Miss Isabella
was getting phone calls from her mom, Miss April, Miss Issy was text
messaging me all weekend long keeping me informed on what was happening
as well as what my mum was up too. Psst don't tell Miss April cause
[...]47_29Jun200710:18:[log in to unmask] 0706 15860 76 61_Heartfelt Thanks to IFC and Generous Ferret Folks from S.O.S.12_Judith [log in to unmask], 28 Jun 2007 20:41:58 -0400571_- The IFC has been a generous friend of Support Our Shelters from the
beginning, and this year in Portland was another blessing for S.O.S.

In keeping with the nature of the ferret, they were goofy and silly
supporters of S.O.S. Did anyone get a video of the exotic dancer who
raised money for us? She was exotic in both senses of the word, I can
tell you. A marvelous giant ferret who danced while a donation jar was
passed. Gosh... not only can Donna Spirito sew like nobody else, she
also dances!! Too much. And she raised $121.38 to help [...]45_28Jun200720:41:[log in to unmask] 0706 15937 20 22_Re: Symposium [log in to unmask], 28 Jun 2007 19:14:32 EDT484_- >The Jersey Girls (Patty, Judy & I) are dying to know the sex of little
>Termite of Oregon --- we missed the announcement!

Termite is a female folks. LOL. hey even I saw that as I got to hold
her and make over her just after the Symposium ended as I was making
over another three frets there as well. Heck folks, I was getting my
fret fixes where I could find them!!! Anyway Termite is a lil female
and very cute and quite loveable to boot. OK? [...]37_28Jun200719:14:[log in to unmask] 0706 15958 20 56_Another option about where to store ferret photos online13_Laura [log in to unmask], 28 Jun 2007 01:41:16 -0700526_- What about your own .com? I use my ferretocious.com not just for my
web pages but to store EVERY picture and video I've ever taken. I use
it as my backup so if my computer was to ever fry (it did once!) then
I wouldn't lose anything as long as I regularly uploaded new pics. I
match the folders on my PC to the ones online - giving each ferrets
it's own folder and then folders called "Play", "Wrestling",
"Sleeping". Yes, I'm anal lol But it makes it easy to find pics. [...]46_28Jun200701:41:[log in to unmask] 0706 15979 16 36_The photo place I could not [log in to unmask], 28 Jun 2007 12:09:37 -0400330_- This is the innovative new way to do photos on computer. I can't really
make heads or tails out of it so I didn't try it out. It sounds like
it's really great if you take lots of photos. Ferret people normally
have ... "lots" of photos lol. So I thought I sho
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 00:28:58 +0000
text/plain (21 lines)
Yes it is true, as soon as my mom left I hopped on the computer and
got on the www.ferretdepot.com website and, well, I was like a kid in
a candy shop!!!!! I was born to shop, we all know that. I gotta admit
that I am a little worried about mom getting the credit card bill...
maybe I could bribe the mailman with some "Vivify" or something to keep
him from delivering it. I suppose she will eventually find out though.

I overheard mom talking to Ellen from the www.ferretdepot.com and mom
sounded shocked. I figure that she may have found out about my
shopping/registry spree!! But apparently a deal is gonna be worked

My mom did bring home my beautiful wedding dress from Portland. I can't
believe how pretty it is. I am gonna have to really watch my figure
(and coat) to be sure I do it justice.

Miss Isabella Gucci-Tonks

[Posted in FML 5653]