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Mon, 10 Nov 2008 17:51:36 -0500
PAT ANDREWS <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Hi, everyone!

The symposium was a blast . . . even if I was hobbling around on
crutches getting into everyone's way. I had plenty of offers to help
carry and cart things and I very much appreciate it. Thanks, everyone!
Even BIG got into the act . . . he found my glasses . . . by stepping
on them . . . a little.

The shelter dinner was yummy and I started meeting attendees there
after being carried up the stairs by Ross (fellow club member) and
Barb's husband, Roy. Of course, I was sitting on the floor next to the
cage w/ my DMK girls in it so I could pick them up and cuddle them.
Boy, were they peeved w/ me! I got several nips and had to say, "No
bite!" a lot but it was worth it to have my hands on them again. I
wish I could have gotten around to talking to more of the folks but
my mobility is very much in question.

Friday's high point had to be the Video Contest. Talk about funny! My
favorite won . . . yahoo. I learned many, many things during the talks,
to the point where I felt like I knew nothing about ferrets.

On Saturday we learned so much from all the vets who spoke and took
time to take part in the Q&A. It was particularly good to meet Dr.
Williams, whom I'd met at the first symposium held in Toronto in 1990.
I also learned that I must be doing something right because there is
only one case of insulinoma in my business of 12. The lunch discussion
groups were both fun and helpful. Now I know sign language!
[That Toronto Symposium was in 2000. BIG]

Sunday was full of practical information, too. Special kudos to Barb
Carlson, who only got through 1/3 of her presentation. I'm lucky, she's
only a phone call away, she and my two vets (Dr. Ruth and Dr. W.) have
helped me keep my kids healthy and happy despite me.

The raffles were great and I did well. I'm sure some people got tired
of hearing my name. Sorry, but I love, love, love my ferret butterfly
and my Lewington book. As always, Jeanne Carley was entertaining and
had a table full of great products (I bought 4). It was so nice to meet
as many people as I did. I won't be going into a list at the risk of
missing someone since I'm woefully bad at names. Thanks for your
presence and companionship, it was great!

And Wolfie, don't put "ferret poops" on plates if you think people are
going to freak . . . I thought Fran would have a heart attack so I had
to tell her to see you and ruin your fun.

Pat and the Furry Inspirations

[Posted in FML 6151]