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Mon, 23 Jun 2008 05:38:17 -0400
text/plain (37 lines)
Hi Everyone,

Last Thurs, 4 days ago my 6 1/2 yo ferret had surgery for insulinoma
and adrenal. He had crashed the week before with a BG of 19 and was
rushed to the vet where he came around quickly and did great. We knew
from past experience we didn't want to wait so we sch surgery for the
following week and kept him on pred for that time and he responded very
well. His BG was in the 50's the day of surgery. The vet said that all
went well and that his adrenal was bad. Left was removed and right was
wrapped around vena cava and part of liver so he removed what he could.
Ferret kept overnight due to grogginess and not eating. He was being
force fed every few hours. We brought him home on Friday afternoon just
a little over 24 hours later only to find out vet went on vacation. He
was being force fed by us since then every few hours. Occassionally I
can get him to eat baby food or Carnivore Care on his own but mostly it
has been force feeding. I have had at least 10 surgeries for insulinoma
and adrenal and never had a ferret that would not eat even with in a
day or so. I talked to another vet on Sat and we got fluids for home
SubQ and relaquin for nausea and pepcid but still there is no change.
His poop is runny and he has no energy. I realize he had some major
surgery but he is just not coming back for me. I am taking him to the
other vet tonight. I am very miffed at vet #1 for not even telling us
he was going on vacation and the staff told us Sat that no one that
takes care of ferrets would be in till Monday. Heck he would have been
dead till then. To top that off the staff was not very nice to us. Now
you must understand that up until this time we have had nothing but
good things to say about this office which I will not mention as I
don't want to put a bad light on them because they have saved 2 of
our other ferrets and have tried desperatly just about a month ago to
save another one that took sick and could not be saved but they worked
tirelessly with her. ANy help?

Debbie in PA

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