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Sat, 19 Jan 2008 16:17:56 -0800
Sue Savage <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
I got a new ferret Sunday, and for the first time, I'm having a problem
with the introduction. Bella was a stray, and I think she must have
been an only ferret, because she is scared of my other three girls.
They are all very interested in her, not aggressive at all, they just
want to check her out. Glitter will crawl into bed with her and sleep,
that's somewhat ok with her. Gidget keeps trying to clean her ears,
which she does not like at all, and she cries. Static tries to scruff
her, which she really doesn't like and cries louder! I think that
Static thinks she's a toy and wants to run off with her to her
hidey-hole. Bella doesn't fight back, she just cries or runs to me for
protection. She's about a year old, but is pretty small, I think she
was malnourished wherever she lived before. She put on some weight
while she was at the shelter the previous two weeks, and she's gained 2
ounces in the week I've had her! They are in seperate cages, and I've
been swapping the bedding. I gave them all some food together outside
the cages, and she ate near them, but still looked a little nervous. I
know its only been a week, I can't expect them to be buddies overnight,
but does anyone have any suggestions to help them along?


[Posted in FML 5857]