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Fri, 9 Nov 2007 21:10:29 -0500
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Today was a beautiful day at de bridge. SaraFerret was waiting at de
bridge entrance with de note in her paw. (No more haywires likes
before--uh-uh, no ways). A rusty orange fuzzy with a brown mask was
crossing de bridge. I reaches out my paw to her to welcome her and she
takes it in her mouth as if by habits and simply mouths it. She says,
OOPS! for a minute dere I forgots and thought you were gonna feed me,
sorry about dat. Who are you?

I introduces myself, I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome
to your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain or suffering,
no litter pans, lotsa food and water, plenty of treats, green grass to
run and play on, warm fluffy hammies to sleep in, plenty of friends to
play with, did I mention fun and games.

Well, dis little rusty fuzzy looks at me and says, Hmmmm, I don't know
exactly what de bridge is and I thought I was at my new forever home
before. But my name is Butternut and I was staying with dis really nice
lady who played with me, gave me a nice cage and gave me a nice bath.
Most nicely, for the first time I was loved by a human, I was hugged a
lot, and I was given a name instead of being hit. You see, I was just
a farm ferret before. From dat Farm in Ohio. I didn't know dat humans
could be so nice. I didn't really know what a human was. At dis lady's
place, the food was great and de place was nice and warm and I had a
nice hammie to sleep instead of an old wire cage. I had it all to
myself. De nice lady took me to de vet and when I woke up I was here.
But I feel great now, so can I just go back to dat nice lady's house
and forget about dis bridge thing? Why did she take me to de vet? What
is a vet anyway?

So many questions. But lotsa fuzzies ask dese, esp. a rescue farm
fuzzy. I explains, A vet is dere to help us when we have pain and dey
try to fix us but when dey can't, dey are allowed to help us fly on
our journey here. This place here is called de Rainbow Bridge. Likes
I said, dere is no more pain or hurts. But once here dere is no going
back. Dis is your forever home.

Butternut seemed to understand and sighed, but I don't know anyone

So I replys, Oh dere are lotsa fuzzies here who know you.

She looks at me and says, Really? And den she notices my wings. Hey,
what are dose things on your shoulders?

These are wings, great for flying around the clouds, sure beats leaping
from cloud to cloud. She started to smile and her spirits lifted.

So off we went down de garden path toward de Wing house where all de
wings were stored. We went in de house and on de counter was a big box
(of course). Butternut opened de box and took out de wings. I helped
her put dem on and adjusted her halo. She ran to de big vanity mirror
and she gazed at her reflection. For de first time in her life, she saw
what a beautiful ferret she was, all rusty orange with a brown mask-as
proud as she had been in the days of her youth and she felt great. She
turned to me and said, Gee I wish dat kind lady could see me now. Den I
gots an idea.

So we headed down de path toward de Misting Pond. We sat down beside de
cool clear water. With one swish she saw de kind lady appear surrounded
by de fuzzies she had left behind. De lady looked up at de sky and
smiled. So Butternut started waving and dooking. Hey Look at me, I
have wings, I can fly. See how pretty and fluffy I am now. Aren't you
proud of me? Thanks for loving me. Thank you for saving me. Thanks for
everything. I love you. Den she started throwing hugs, kisses, and
promises and wrapped dem with her love and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star which was headed toward your house. And with another
swish de vision was gone.

We went toward her new cottage where dere was a group of fuzzies
gathered with a WELCOME TO THE BRIDGE BUTTERNUT banner in dere paws.

How did dey know I was coming, she whispered.

Oh we has our ways, I replys.

One, by one, each fuzzy introduced themselves: Freckles, Frolic,
Smudge, Ragamuffin, Jersey, Bandersnatch, and Black&Tan.--we all
belonged to dat kind lady and we are here to be your friends. Dey
all started dancing around in a big wardance and a party was planned.
I could see dat I wasn't needed anymore. I gave Butternut a hug and
went on my way.

So ended another day at de Bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5787]