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Wed, 31 Oct 2007 21:12:21 -0500
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Today was a beautiful day at de bridge.  SaraFerret was tossing a ball
to Serena and Isabel, two kits who had adopted her when dey crossed de
bridge.  Toss and fetch.  What fun dey were having.  Den a little blue
note fell from above right into her lap.  Of course she read it right
away.  Hmmm girls, game's over.  I must head for de bridge.  A much
beloved fuzzy is getting ready to cross.  So off I headed for de

Just in time! A handsome panda fuzzy made a flying leap from earth to
de entrance. He had such a big smile on his face and he marched right
up to me and says, You must be Miss SaraFerret de bridgegreeter. Mommy
told me all about you. My name is Franklin, but my Mommy calls me
Frankie. She says dat I is some kinda of fuzzy, dat I was a fighter.
What does dat word fighter mean, SaraFerret?

Hmmm, I replys, I think fighter means dat you fights for what you has
to do for you to make it at least dat's what it says in de note from
de Boss.

Frankie says, Oh yeah I always wonders what Mommy means when she says
dat. I guess dat sometimes I makes a lot of trouble for her esp. when I
takes dat giant leap from de window and flew away for a long time and
Mommy had to search for me. But someone takes me in until she finds me
and wowsie, was I happy then.

A group of little orphan kits came up to Frankie. It seems dat his
heart just glowed so much from de love his human had given him it just
drew de little fuzzies just like moths to a flame. (Dese little kits
had never known de love of a human-you see, dey had been farm and lab
kits and never knew loving touches or thrilled to playtime or had toys
while on earth. De only love dey knew was when dey crossed de bridge
and de Creator poured His love to dem.)

Frankie couldn't understand why dey were staring at him like dat until
de littlest kit spoke up and said, Can I stands real close to you
Frankie? It feels so good and warms by you.

I tells Frankie dat he was so lucky to have had love from his human
and dat just makes him glows.

Den Frankie kinda blushes and says, I glows? Oh wowsie, I didn't know
dat it shows. I just knows dat while I was on earth dat I had de best
time and just runs around stealing hearts like Mommy says. I just loves
peoples and other fuzzies. Life was so much fun. All de little kits
crowded around closer and closer until dey were almost sitting on him.

Den I remembers what I was sposed to say. Oh Frankie, Welcome to de
Rainbow Bridge.

Frankie stops me and says, SaraFerret, I know about dat already. Mommy
tells me all about dat. She wants me to be prepared. She didn't wants
me to be afraid for when I makes my journey to my new forever home. She
just tells me dat it was gonna be a new flying trip and it would be
exciting and you know what? It sure was. Just one big LEAP!

But Frankie noticed my wings and de wings of de little kits and he
asks, hey what are dose things on your shoulders?

Oh these are wings.

Wings, he says. WINGS! The littlest kit gave a short demo and he was so
proud of de way he could fly (I think his name was Mickey)-he just flew
and backflipped. Frankie asks, Do I gets dose.

Of course you do, I replys. Every fuzzy dat crosses gets wings.

So off we goes down de garden path toward Kit and Kaboodle where de
wings were stored. All of us--Frankie, SaraFerret, and a trail of
little kits made dere way into de place. On de counter was a big box
(of course). He opened de box and took out his wings--silver with pink
streaks. I helped him on with dem and adjusted his halo. He ran for de
big vanity mirror and he gazed at his reflection and turned to me and
said, Gee I wish Mommy could see me now. Den I gots an idea.

So off went down de path to de Misting Pond. We sat down beside de cool
clear water and with one swish Frankie saw Mommy appear. He starts to
wave and dook with all his might. Hey look at me now. I gots wings. I
can fly even better now. I don't hurt anymore. Thanks for loving me. I
loves you. I will visit you in your dreams one day. He started to throw
hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with his love and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star which was headed toward your house. He fluttered his
wings and Mickey de littlest kit was hanging onto his leg and hugging
him for all he was worth. Frankie thought he could see Mommy looking up
at de sky and smiling. Den with another swish de vision was gone.

I asks Frankie if he wants de tour, but I could see dat de kits had
other plan, esp. de kit named Mickey. So off we went toward Frankie's
new cottage where a Welcome to de Bridge party was planned. Frankie
whispered to me, How did dey know dat I was coming? I replys, Oh we has
our ways.

Inside de cottage, music was playing, fuzzies were dancing and wowsie,
de food was spread out on tables. And of course, de group of kits had
dere hero to look at. I could see dat Frankie had a new forever little
friend and a little kit now could bask in the love (even from afar of a
human). It was so sweet. Frankie had this big smile on his face and he
picked up Mickey and took out time from dancing and talks to de kits
about all sorts of things. I gave Frankie a hug and waved them all a
farewell and headed for de bridge entrance as another fuzzy was getting
ready to cross.

So ended another day at de Rainbow Bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5778]