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Mon, 6 Aug 2007 10:39:19 -0400
"Possum Senior Reporter" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (170 lines)
August 2007
Master Largo's News
Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum Here: So the wedding is over! I don't have to wear that gown
again! No reflection on you Miss Donna S, you do beautiful work, you
are a wonderful seamstress; but like I said why would I wear a gown
when I already have a fur coat? No offence Miss Izzy and Tonks, you
guys earned a beautiful wedding, you deserve each other too, but I
think I am done being in weddings that require dressing up. So Tonks
has Izzy got your entire living quarters done in pink yet? Has she
maxed out your credit cards? She is a wild one there; Super Tonks so
you will have a life long challenge.

Suzie Q here: Are you still grinding on that subject? Geeeezzz Possum
will you get a life? I will start the News! Miss Renee D., Miss Donna
S., and Miss Diana D. came to drop off mum's stuff from the symposium,
so while they were here they let Miss Renee's fur kid's use the play
yard. They sure did have a grand time out there. Odie found a way to
get out! Miss Donna D. had the sand box moved a tad too close to the
side of the play yard so Odie did his thing and jumped out! Now mind
you none of us kids try to jump out!

Possum Here: Shows how much you know! That's what you say; but Taz
would find a way out! Taz is the reason Miss Renee' has Odie; mum said
she could not handle 2 escape artists around here! Now for the news.
Miss Kristie and Miss Donna D. where here the Sunday before the yard
sale, they helped mum fill all the cars to take stuff to Miss Kristie's
house. Miss Kristie had tons of stuff out all already! Mum is sending
pictures of the yard sale to Mr. Harry to add to the web shots site
they will be here.


Man 290 of you humans looked at the site last month! So many people
donated stuffs, came to help and just generally wanted to help us get a
new roof. Thanks everyone. The yard sale was a huge success, it brought
in $607.00. When we were cleaning it all up on Sunday Miss Cathy R said
she would take it to her house and have a sale there for the shelter!
So that is what is going to happen. Miss Cathy R. sale is going to
be August 11&12. Then there is going to be another at our house the
weekend of the grape Festival the end of September. There is a raffle
going on too for us kids that is here:


Mum says that when Miss Kristie said she was going to get us a new roof
she had no idea that' that goal was going to take on a life of its own.
We may not have to get wet feet this winter after all. When it gets
cold then warm again. Mum calls that a thaw, we call it a pain because
we get wet feet, and it is {{{{{{COLD}}}}}} in the winter time. Summer
time is not so bad we get to play in the wet like a pool. Till mum puts
a trash can under it or sops it up with news papers.

Suzie Q here: Okay Possum is doing her complaining again, I will jump
in and give you more news. We had new humans come to see us kids! They
came all the way from PA. They want to adopt. Well they did but not
from here.... Mum has had so many kids need a home this summer, she has
turned 23 away. That makes mum sad but she says if she takes in all the
kids that needed to come here there would not be enough room, food or
money to take care of us properly.. Out time would be short and rare if
we had too many fur kids here. Mum tries to make sure we can each get
out of our cage and into different play rooms a minimum of 6 hours a
day. If it is not too hot or cold we can get more than that, because
we can play on the porch and out in the play yard. So any way; the last
3 kids were up in Syracuse; mum got in touch with some of the people
that have contacted her about adopting. Miss Dynise got in touch with
that Syracuse family that needed a home for the 3 fur kids and made
arrangements to go get them. Thank you Miss Dynise you made mum do the
weasel dance.

Possum Here: My turn!!!!! Miss Cathy D made me and mum ascard, she had
to go to the hospital cause her heart was leaking. Mum says that when
your heart leaks it is not good, it is not like when your eyes leak. So
Miss Cathy D was in the hospital almost a whole week. She is home now
and doing some better but she needs me to come lay in her arms to make
her ALL better. I love you Miss Cathy!!!! One Sunday last month mum
moved cages and changed things around then new humans came to see us
kids here, mum had cages in the middle of the floor, bedding all over
the place and things were just in a general MESS! So what did mum do?
She put them new humans to work. She had them help her get the cage out
on the front porch so it was not in the middle of the floor, then she
had them help her put the new one together. HA!!! Mum sure knows how to
delegate. That same day Miss Donna D, Miss Nicky and Mr. Mike came here
too. They helped mum but some things back together too. Phew mum sure
was whipped when everyone left. It was about 6:30 PM when everything
calmed down, so mum went out to take the store "open" signs down, lock
up the store and just generally get the house locked down for the
night. She was coming through the kitchen to put our soup cubes away
when she heard a bang at the door. Mum yelled what can I do for you?
Mum heard someone say, I want to buy a barrel. Mum says I am out of
barrels at this time. They banged on the door again. Soooooo mum goes
out to the door a bit out of sorts thinking what part of "I don't have
any more" do you not understand? Mum gets pretty grumpy when she is
tired. Mum opens the door and there stands her 2 legged furless son,
daughter in-law and 3 grand kids. The kids all yell surprise grandma.
Mum was no longer feeling out of sorts. Can't figure out why mum likes
them 2 legged furless kids!!!!

Suzie Q here: Because they are her children and grand children! What
is wrong with you?

Possum Here: So what does that have to do with it?

Suzie Q here: They were in her life before us?

Possum Here: Like I said, so what does that have to do with it? I mean
they were! We are!

Suzie Q here: I give up! Can someone out there tell this spoiled brat
that she is NOT the only one in mum's life?

Possum Here: I am not a spoiled brat! I also know I am not the only
one in mum's life I have you constantly reminding me of that.

Suzie Q here: so getting back to the story; the first thing the grand
kids wanted to know was can they go to the cage room to see us ferrets.
Then Baily wanted to see that stupid Possum. You know the fur kid that
thinks mum should not like the 2 legged furless kids. HUMP! Wants to
see possum... I am the one that keeps the news letter going, but he
wants to see Possum. The grand kids then discover we fur kids were out
in each room so they were happy to hang out with us. I decided I wanted
to show Baily how we play so I took a taste of Baily.

Possum Here: Yeah the Little snot she is! Susie Q"says" she wanted to
play but I bet it is because Baily wanted to see me. Susie Q did not
break the skin and mum made a big fuss over Bialy's arm so he did well
handling the situation. However he will never believe mum when she
tells him we don't bite ever again. Good job there Suzie Q! Oh yeah;
Mums hand is all better but not all better. The thing they put on mums
hand to make it better made it heal wrong so the doctor said she would
have to have surgery to correct it. Mum says thanks but no thanks. She
says it may not be right but she can use it, move it and it don't hurt
so she says leave it alone!!! Mr. Ed came to see us he wants to adopt
some fur kids again.

Suzie Q here: Mr. Ed? When was Mr. Ed here? I did not see him here. Why
would a horse want to adopt fur kids?

Possum Here: AND you call ME stupid? Not "Mr. Ed: the horse! Mr. Ed
you know the man that use to have the Dak girl? He adopted Dak from mum
a long long time ago. Anyway Dak got her wings last summer so Mr. Ed
decided it was time to come see about getting another kid or two or
three.. He has not decided what one of us he is taking home yet. He got
to play with a bunch of us. He even stroked my fur for a short time
too. Mum got a picture of my Ralphie. Waving at you my handsome little
man. Okay mum says this news is far too log, I say she needs not to
have so much going on if she does not want the news to be so long. So

Possum senior reporter; Suzie Q always in my fur

Suzie Q here: Until next month.......

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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