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Fri, 30 Mar 2007 05:18:52 +0000
text/plain (35 lines)
Dear Saraferret,

This has been a very sad week at this house. Two beautiful black sable
ladies left for the bridge plus a kit that had been badly injured in a
terrible accident died. First, my Kiera died Monday, March 26. Kiera
turned 5 back in November. At this time what took her is unknown. Kiera
was a fluffy black sable with a golden undercoat, kind of large behind
and sort of protruding eyes. Gave many kisses and was a real clinger
when picked up.

Velvet aka Boogie was seven year old in February. She was helped to
the bridge today(Thursday, March 29). Boogie had lymphoma, IBD, adrenal
disease catarats in both eyes. I don't think I need to add any more.
Lympho is the culprit that made it so Boogie had to be helped to the
bridge. Boogie is a kind of smallish black sable girl, blind and she
could not walk anymore when she left. But when she walked, she sort of
had a little bounce to her walk. Kiera and Boogie were very bonded.

The kit was named Calvin, little boy, he had little dark smudges under
each eye and the tip of his tail was white. I don't think he ever knew
love until the last few minutes of his life, but I truly loved him and
he could have lived here with all the rest of us(furries and skinned

Please look for all three of these wonderful fur babies and make sure
that they have all made it to the bridge okay. When you see them please
tell them how very much all of them are missed and that they will
always be loved.

Mom, Donna
and all the rest of the Furry Crew

[Posted in FML 5562]