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Fri, 2 Feb 2007 08:43:07 -0500
Karen Douglas <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Hey All,

Linda Iroff wrote:
>Another important thank you is needed in the Bossier ferret case: to
>Renee Downs.

I think we need to start calling Renee, JailBreak Renee or The

Some years ago, there was a little ferret in NC that got loose and
lost. She had not eaten in some time. Some very nice folks found her
and did the right thing. First they gave her food, then they called me
to come get her. From there things went downhill fast. I was not home
when the call came in. By the time I got the message and returned the
call, the ferret was in ferret jail and in extreme danger of losing
her life.

The nice folks who had done everything right, tried to cuddle the
ferret while she was eating her first food in I dont know how long.
The little ferret bit the woman and drew blood. Off to the emergency
room they went. The emergency room called Animal Control and they
confiscated the ferret. The AC worker was rough, talked rough and
handled rough and the scared and hungry little ferret bit the AC
worker. The AC worker developed a dislike for this ferret and rattled
her cage and yelled at her often. The ferret went spastic everytime
this AC worker came by her cage. It did not help that this AC worker
was in charge of the little ferret.

The ferret was being held for rabies quarunteen and then AC decided she
was unadoptable because she bit two folks, the nice woman and the AC
worker. Alto I made repeated calls, went up the chain of command etc,
no one was budging. They were going to euthanize this little one as
soon as quarunteen was up. I contacted some Attorney's in Raleigh that
work animal cases, never heard back from them. I contacted my ferret
club and they all got on the phone. The authorities were NOT budging.
I threatened to call PETA. Renee is/was a member of this club and had
been keeping updated on the situation. When all else failed JailBreak
Renee stepped in. Made some phone calls, had a meeting with the head of
the Health Department and in essence sprung little LIBERTY BELLE (what
we named the ferret) as long as she was taken out of county and never
brought back.

So kudos to you JAILBREAK RENEE, CATEGORY 5!!! That's two notches on
your jailbreakin guns that we know of. LOL! Louise and Liberty Belle
say thank you!

His Lamb,

[Posted in FML 5507]