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Wed, 8 Oct 2008 17:26:06 -0400
text/plain (41 lines)
1) Greet BIG by poking his belly and he'll giggle like the Pillsbury
   Doe Boy. He likes that.
2) Wear all of your ferret paraphanalia ... at the same time. This way
   ferret people will see you and walk up to greet you when you arrive.
3) Give Kat Parsons a big hug ... she gives out the biggest, mushiest,
   warmest hugs ... guaranteed.
4) Be afraid of "The Sisters" ... be very afraid ... (Well, unless you
   like Walmart)
5) Make sure that when you leave home, you are no longer wearing "Ode
   De Ferret' colonge" ... paraphanalia is more than enough, you don't
   need to alert hotel guests that a ferret conference is going on to
   quite that extent.
6) Don't turn your cell phone off during lectures. ::snickering::
   Really. The shelters truly appreciate every ten bucks that Hurricane
   Renee makes you put in the "Pig" (shelter donation collection) when
   your phone rings. We like that.
7) Hang out with the Dutch after hours, dude. And drink a White Russian
   (in memory of ... well White Russian)
8) Flirt with Dr Murray ... he likes that.
9) Guys, flirt with Linda Iroff, oh she looooooooves that ...
10) Bring dancing shoes. Dr Karen dances ... a lot. She enjoys the
11) Bring some foamy fries to feed "the big ferret"
12) Bring an empty suitcase because somehow, you mysteriously will
    walk away with oodles of "stuff".
13) Bring your smiles ... cause all this is going up on YouTube
    compliments yours truly ...


Sean and Rocky,
Experience the love:

[Aikidoferret, go check it out and see
why Sean is one his biggest fans:

[Posted in FML 6118]