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Fri, 19 Oct 2007 03:01:57 -0700
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I'll be offline for a few days to drive to and attend the Midwest
Ferret Fellowship Faire in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I'll be spending a portion of my driving time in the company of Kim
Schilling, author of Ferrets for Dummies. Being a passenger in Kim's
van is always an exciting experience...you are either crunched up with
animals or hanging on for dear life, so you can appreciate the lengths
I go to in order in be green. I once spend an hour nose-to-nose with
an alligator. Usually, I figure my car pooling with Kim to the Buckeye
Bash is all Mother Nature or Daddy Gore would expect of anyone. All
I know is I had a full head of brown hair before we started the
occasional carpool experience and now I'm gray and balding. Seriously,
I am a great fan of Kim and love her and her family. There is very
little I would not do for Kim, her husband David, her son Sam, and
their niece Kristi. Well, I temporarily lost Sam in a crowd for about
half a minute once, but since Kim has no empirical proof, I still
deny it.

At the GCFA show last weekend, I talked nearly nonstop for seven hours,
used up a lot of chalk, and managed not to get stumped, although a
young man came close to doing so (I think he was about 7 years old). I
love it when young people show up for my talks; they ask the questions
adults are afraid of voicing, but still need to hear the answers. I
highly encourage you to bring your kids to the show for some ferret
talk. I am hoping some good questions come out of the Faire. Think
you can stump me? Come on down and give it your best shot! I dare ya!

Come to the Midwest Ferret Fellowship Faire, ask some questions, buy
some stuff, get all gooey about the ferrets and PLEASE inplore Kim to
drive safely on the way home. And, if you think of it, ask her not to
forget me by the side of the road.

Bob C [log in to unmask]

[Posted in FML 5766]