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Mon, 12 Mar 2007 14:49:06 -0700
Darla Berg-Karagas <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
Yes Zoo, I guess I would like to respond even though I think this Forum
isn't the place but since you decided to air my dirty laundy let do it.

Some of you know me here at the FML. I have donated to many Shelters,
made bedding, hammies, sleep sacs, play mats and tried to sell them on
the FML to support Zoo's ferret Sanctuary. Done many card exchanges,
posted a few times on the FML. I'm more of a lurker than a poster.
Everyone I've spoke with from the FML have been very friendly and

It is unfortunate that I have to fight to see my ferrets. Zoo calls me
her friend but keeps me from visiting my babies. After all the Money I
have donated to her shelter, all the bedding I spent hours, days,
weeks, months making and donating to her shelter. After all the Baby
food, water, laundry soap, bleach, ferret food and other miscellaneous
things I have purchased and donated to her shelter. I know I have spent
Thousand's of Dollars on Material, Toys, etc that I have donated to her
shelter. Plus the many times I have gone to her shelter and visited
with all her babies.

Zoo is right, I am going through a bitter divorce. She makes me sound
like the bad person because the only thing she knows about my life
right now is what my soon to be ex has told her. She hasnt' asked me
my side of the story and you all know there always is one.

As far as my "affair" that's my Husbands reason for the divorce and
which is what he wants everyone to believe. He hasn't mentioned his
abusiveness, his lying, his maniupulation in our relationship, or the
many other things that have really led up to the divorce. I won't go
into detail here.

When I moved out of my home, yes, the ferrets will still there. I would
go there when I knew my husband was not home to take care of them. I
would play with them, feed them, clean thier cages, etc. I was afraid
to be there alone with him so on the weekends, when he had the day's
off, I wouldn't go. He took the ferrets from the house and TOLD Cathy
I wan't helping him, which wasn't true but looks like she has believed
every word she told him. Now I'm working two jobs, paying rent, paying
my Husband for 1/2 the mortgage and 1/2 of all the utility bills,
paying for all of my 19 year old's expenses, his car insurance, my car
insurance, etc., etc., etc. You all have bills, you know what I'm
saying. No I haven't been to see my babies since he took them out and
it's an hour drive. I don't have weekends off like he does, I work from
2pm to 2am everyday. I'm trying to survive. He did let me know that he
will Bankrupt me with this divorce and he is doing a good job of it.

I found someone to take one of my shifts at work and asked Cathy if I
could see my babies. She told me I could. I emailed her and told her
that I would be moving soon and would finally have a place to take the
ferrets to. I told her they had been at the Sanctuary long enough. I
asked her about their cages and told her that if she needed them that I
would donate them to the Sanctuary and I would buy new ones. The date
was set along with the time of the visit which was going to be Sunday
March 11th. I was so excited, seeing my babies after so long. I went
out and purchased 12 gallons of distilled water, some bleach and
laundry soap, some baby food, some wal-mart kitten chow that Zoo likes
to use, a 30 lb bag of Zupreem, foamy fries, some toys for the babies,
some bedding, and some treats. Spending well over $300. Looking forward
to seeing the babies and watching them play with their new toys. It
was a treat for me just thinking about it. Well, I had court with my
Husband on March 8th. Just happens to be the Day of Cathy's post. After
we got done with court, which was very ugly by the way, I got an email
from Cathy saying that Sunday would't work. I've emailed her many times
asking to reschelue but she has stopped responding to my email. She did
respond once and let me know that I could see them once my divorce was
final. I was shattered. I took all the things I purchased and dropped
them off at my house and emailed my husband (he doesn't answer my
calls) and asked him if he could make sure the ferrets and Zoo would
get them. I've also emailed Zoo to ask if she got the things and she,
again, has not responded.

What would you Do??

[Posted in FML 5545]