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Tue, 20 Feb 2007 09:43:15 -0500
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First let me start with: There is NO such thing as "Ferret Proofing".
Just ask my fuzzies. They'll tell ya. We did the "crawl on the floor
with the flashlight" trick. We blocked, plugged, covered, and
uncovered. We've even posted signs: Ferrets NOT allowed here. "This is
NOT your room"! They just look at the signs and turn and grin at
us......kinda scary actually.......

My kids are reeealllly good at opening cupboards, climbing in - shoving
open the drawers and attacking anything on the counter they can get
there fuzzy little paws into. Artemus is always the ring leader - and
everyone else just goes along with him. They know that WE know - it is
Arte who opened the door - and therefore, the other kids think they
can't be blamed. Arte, + 2 - climb up. Usually, it is the breadbox, the
cinnamon rolls - and any other bread goodies up there, that they toss
down to the remaining thief, who will then dash 100 mph (ever see a
ferret run with a loaf of bread hanging out of his mouth?). To "deter"
them from doing so we have used everything from child locks on the
cupboard doors (yeah, they had those figured out in like 2 seconds
flat) to velcro strips. **Are you laughing yet**? Wanna know the only
thing they haven't figured out yet? C'mon you handy women/men out
there......what is woman & man's best tool? *Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo,
dit doo.......(theme from jeopardy - not doo-doo).....and the answer
is: DUCT TAPE. Yep. That is the only man made material that they
haven't figured a way to eat, destroy, shred, rip - or open.

When we first began using duct tape (you can STOP laughing now....
*winks*) Artemus, would do everything in his furry power to try and
pry the doors open - just enough for accomplice one and two - to
squeeze through. So far, however, he hasn't been successful at it.
He will lay on his back for hours - just to see if he can do it. It
is kinda funny - it looks like he is bench pressing the cupboard
doors...... Artemus isn't the brightest lightbulb in the pack though.
If left alone, he will spend all of his "free play" time, attacking
the one cupboard door that he knows leads him to the bread box. We
have to physically pick him up and redirect him somewhere else....and
even then, chances are - he'll try it at least 17 more times before
the day is out........We gave up and just "house-proofed" him. Ferret
proofing indeed!!

Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I

Kim and Her Thieving Not Ferret Proofed Army of Idiots.....

[Posted in FML 5525]