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Wed, 4 Jul 2007 01:22:36 EDT
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Dear Fellow FMLers.

I had a ball in Portland. If you have never gone to a Symposium when
the next one comes around do yourself a favor and GO!!! I met folks
whom I only knew by name either from this list or one of the others I
also belong to. I met folks like Dr. Bruce Williams, Travis Liveri,
who is helping the Black Foot Ferrets stage a historical comeback from
the edge of extingtion (why is it the dam spell check won't work when
ya need it and ya spell words like a second grader??Answer me that one

Anyway I loved the zoo trip even tho folks I do not like zoos in
general. I do know that some good comes out of keeping normally wild
animals in captivity so they can be studied and lessions learned can be
used to help the animals still in the wild but I still don't think any
animal should be kept caged for it's entire life. I did love the river
otters but felt that the habbitat they were kept in needs to be much
bigger and lots more swimming room for sure.

I also got to meet Vikki Mc Kimmely (I hope I got your name right
Vikki..sorry if I botched it too!!! OBTW Yes I did get the app for the
AFA filled out and as soon as my monthly check gets deposited I will
mail it in for membership. Folks, If ya don't already belong to the
American Ferret Association why not?? LOL.

I also met and even got to talk to for a bit Kim Shilling who wrote
the Ferrets For Dummies books. I say Books becuz her new addition it
due out in Septmember. So ya know what to do folks...LOL.

I also got to meet our very own BIG ,Bill Gruber, who ran the audio and
visual equipment and did an outstanding job dispite the short commings
of the Hotel staff who made it harder for him to do so!!!

I got to meet and talk with Bob Church but I had met Bob before. I
walked up to him and said hiya Bob. He turned around and said Hi Fred.
I know you but not sure just how..LOL. I told him we had met in Reno
about two years ago with the NNFN Ferret Frolic. He then remembered.
Poor Bob was very ill during most of the Symposium. He did manage with
Herculian Effort to deliever his presentations to the Symposium between
fits of being ghastly ill. Ya did good Bob, Well done . I wanted to try
to stump Bob at the topics luncheon but I foolishly asked a River Otter
question. Of course he nailed it squarely. Unbeknonwist to me Bob had
written a definitive paper on ROs and had studied them not too far
from where we were. Sure... why not Bob? Heck go and steal my only
thunder..LMAO!!! Folks I have alot of love in my heart for ferrets but
if I could go into River Otter rescue, I'd be there in a heart beat.
Oh yeah, I'd still be owned by frets for sure but they'd have to share
me with the otters. Dunno what the pull is but I guess they must be
somekind of a Toteum Animal to me. I have always had a soft spot for
ROs. LIke I say don't know why but it is there.

I also got to meet Renee Downs as she cooked the Shelter Dinner there
at the Oregon Ferret Rescue. Great job Renee. A great job to all the
folks at The International Ferret Congress. This Symposium was a work
of art.

Anyway when the next Symposium is held by the International Ferret
Congress I plan to be there. I encourage anyone who wants to know more
about these great lil animals we call Ferrets to attend as well. You
will learn perhaps more than you care to about certain faucets of
ferret ownership, but you will learn what you may need to know to make
a difference in YOUR Ferret's life. Isn't that why you're here on this
list in the first place??

Best to all....

Fred Hurd  (who needs a new spell check...)
Reno Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5658]