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Wed, 13 Jun 2007 14:40:08 -0500
text/plain (53 lines)
Hi all, cis is SaraFerret. Today is a beautiful day at de Rainbow
Bridge. Kits are chasing butterflies and I saw one of de butterflies
land on one of de tiniest kits nose and de little ones just fell down
giggling. It was de funniest sight. But backs to de bridge duties. Just
den I saw a little ferret trotting across de bridge so I was ready wit
my usual greeting. As she arrives, she walks up to me, she seems
somewhats surprise and says who ares you?

Well, I am the Rainbow bridgegreeter, SaraFerret. I am here to welcome
you to your new home. This is where you will live from now on.

She says, well, my name is Fey and my Mommy's name is Lisa, but since
I am all healthy and well now, I just as soon go backs home now and
forgets about all dis.

Uh, Fey, I says, dere is no turning back, once you are here you are
here for eternity, dis is it. She looks at me and says, Wowsie! You
mean dis is it! Where is my Mommy? I wanna go home.

I put my paws around her and let her sob for a bit. (some ferrets have
to go thru dis and some dont) I explain to her dat one day in de long
distant future she will see her Mommy when she too crosses de bridge
and dey will run and play together forever.

Den Fey looks at my shoulders and spots my wings. She says, does all
ferrets get dose.

I says sure, all ferrets get dese. Do you have a special color.

She thinks and thinks, and finally says, green like grass. Ok, and off
we go to Kit and Kaboodle where the combination wing house and Kit
orphanage is at. On the counter is a big box. Fey tiptoes over dere and
opens de box and she takes out de wings. Wowsie! She asks for help. Ok,
wings are on. Halo is adjusted. She goes over to de mirror. She looks
at her reflection, and turns around and around. VANITY--THY NAME IS

Den we go out de door and go to de misting pond where she can gaze down
at her beloved Mommy and throw kisses to her, altho she isnt allowed to
visit her. Maybe one day she will slide down a shooting star when Mommy
is asleep and place a wet kiss on her cheek and when Mommy awakens she
will realize that sweet Fey has been there and smell the sweet musky
smell. And den Fey and I trot off to find her business and tour the
bridge and perhaps go to a later party in her honor to welcome her.

And so it goes at de bridge

loveys and hugs

[Posted in FML 5638]