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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0707 2077 13 28_Jumbo Crocheted Octopus Eggs12_Robin [log in to unmask], 3 Jul 2007 12:18:52 -0400273_- The New Jumbo Crocheted Octopus Eggs up on E-bay Be shure to check them


They are Great!!!!! user name is vieiraferrets. It is a must see!!!!!!

[Posted in FML 5658]38_3Jul200712:18:[log in to unmask] 0707 2091 59 44_July HOFA=Rescue and FBB information [log in to unmask], 4 Jul 2007 10:11:34 -0700507_- Please join us
Sunday, July 15, 2007
2:00 PM at
Jackie Ferguson's House
4835 Almont Dr Columbus, OH 43229

Everyone is welcome...

Come, bring your family, friends and ferrets and join us for some fun.

If you have any questions about the FBB, ie. What classes to enter your
ferret in or what can I do to help? Come and get them answered. We will
be getting the yard signs, posters and handouts ready to be distributed
to advertise for the Ferret Buckeye Bash. [...]42_4Jul200710:11:[log in to unmask] 0707 2151 28 25_Rabies clinic and reports7_R [log in to unmask], 4 Jul 2007 11:59:25 -0400379_- Well, maybe ya gotta love NY for something, no matter who you are.
they are having another free rabies clinic:



And, now MT has had an outbreak:
http://www.kxmc.com/News/139736.asp38_4Jul200711:59:[log in to unmask] 0707 2180 11 25_Fat ferret health issues?8_Liz [log in to unmask], 4 Jul 2007 08:04:04 -0400152_- Does anyone have any knowledge of whether our very fat ferrets have
related health concerns as we humans do?


[Posted in FML 5659]37_4Jul200708:04:[log in to unmask] 0707 2192 81 25_Slimming the Obese Ferret15_Edward [log in to unmask], 4 Jul 2007 23:06:03 -0700474_- Slimming the Obese Ferret.

Two aspects may be considered in trimming the XS avoirdupois from the
bones of your ferret, or , for that matter, most any other house pet
can be treated as described below, if and when they are amenable to the
structured guidance needed.

Aspect number 1 is exercise, since it's easier than Aspect number 2.
Number 2 is the structure of his food. Note that the word structure is
given here. More on that later. [...]47_4Jul200723:06:[log in to unmask] 0707 2274 30 14_Kat Raffle/SOS7_Kim [log in to unmask], 4 Jul 2007 06:55:47 -0700560_- Happy Fourth of July all!! I am currently enjoying my 4th morning with
a bouncing fuzzy 4th display all over the house... I think they are
finally starting to wind down....except of course for Lisa Simpson who
could smell a fig newton wrapper a mile away and draw the blueprints
to reach it.

Hope you all had a nice holiday and a safe one with all of your fingers
still attached. The numbers have been forwarded to BIG to do the
drawing. Once he forwards me the list of the winners, I will post
them to the FML. Please allow [...]55_4Jul20070
Tue, 3 Jul 2007 20:27:18 -0400
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi all. When we discussed Rocky's weight gain on prednisolone, my most
recent vet told me not to feed him more than 3 times a day and to leave
just kibble out. She says he's not eating kibble because he doesn't
have to [I feed him Bob's CG, a little chicken, sometimes babyfood
with ground kibble and cream with his meds (Thank you Aunt Shirley in
Australia, says Rocky). However, he will go (and has gone) 12 hours
overnight without eating if he only has kibble. You all know how
stubborn ferrets can be with their food, food bowls, etc. So what do
I do?

He will be going on Diazoxide as soon as I get it. Thanks, Lisa for
telling me about Pet Health Pharmacy. It only cost $36 plus $5
shipping! She said then I can cut the pred dose in half and that he
should lose some weight.

I never thought I'd have to worry about Rocky being too fat; if
anything he was too thin at times.

I suppose she's right that if he's really hungry he'll eat the kibble.
But I'm reluctant to hold out now that he has insulinoma.

Shron & Rocky

[Posted in FML 5658]