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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0709 14499 37 53_State park with camping and lodging near Sies shelter12_Susann [log in to unmask], 20 Sep 2007 16:26:05 -0400455_- FYI for anyone looking for lodging, Shawnee State Park is about 20
minutes from Lori Sies' shelter. It has two cabins that each sleep up
to five people with a mini-fridge, microwave and heat. Each cabin has
two bunk beds and one full-size bed. Hot showers, flushy) and this
is a crazy American thing to do -:) However, at the end of the day, I
think most readers are taking it as a bit of light hearted fun and in
the spirit it is meant to be. [...]41_3Jun200710:17:[log in to unmask] 0706 2091 40 8_Tiny Tim30_Morning Starr Animal [log in to unmask], 3 Jun 2007 11:10:25 -0700498_- We recently rescued a 3 month old ferret that is paralyzed in the back
end. He gets around just fine and we keep him in a one level cage where
he has access to short bowls. He requires assistance to pee and poop
and sometimes it just comes out on its own. He has to be bathed every
day and I have started cutting up blankets that can be tossed out after
use so to keep his area very clean. He was to the vet and the x-ray did
not show a break. He has been seen by two vets [...]42_3Jun200711:10:[log in to unmask] 0706 2132 58 44_June HOFA=Rescue and FBB information [log in to unmask], 3 Jun 2007 06:54:34 -0700507_- Please join us this
Sunday, June 10, 2007
2:00 PM at
Jackie Ferguson's House
4835 Almont Dr Columbus, OH 43229

Everyone is welcome...

Come, bring your family, friends and ferrets and join us for some fun.

If you have any questions about the FBB, ie. What classes to enter your
ferret in or what can I do to help? Come and get them answered. We will
be having a "mock" show so you will know what to do and what to bring
for the Ferret Buckeye Bash. [...]42_3Jun200706:54:[log in to unmask] 0706 2191 46 27_Ferrets of the FML Calendar8_Joe [log in to unmask], 3 Jun 2007 19:53:52 -0700334_- Hello Everyone,

Marci our Miss June 2007 calendar girl as you can see has gone
undercover working for the FLO and is staring in a feature film
about her adventures.

I just wonder what kind of covert operation she is on? Perhaps her
mission was to discover who has had their fingers in the cookie jar. :) [...]39_3Jun200719:53:[log in to unmask] 0706 2238 94 12_blind ferret14_Sukie [log in to unmask], 3 Jun 2007 12:09:41 -0400990_- We like safe scent mapping for blind ferrets.

Here is a list of links for handicapped ferrets which includes some
things to help you and some things to help others:

Handicapped ferret needs:
Mobility Cart:
That cart type can also be seen here and if you scroll down then
ordering information will be found:
Mobility Cart:
Pantyhose Slings:
Physically impaired:
Chihuahua size diapers (but check to make sure still in stock and note
that none of these have been reported on yet for how well they do or
do [...]41_3Jun200712:09:[log in to unmask] 0706 2333 22 23_Ferret Goodies in Japan10_Michelle [log in to unmask], 3 Jun 2007 05:04:50 -0700406_- So I finally finished up the article.

These are just the vendors that participate at the JFA shows so you
won't find link for Ferretworld, great tho it is.;)

Maybe with crescent shop you can get some of the items? Also,
Sat, 2 Jun 2007 23:05:52 EDT
text/plain (42 lines)
Do you feel the heat? Yes, yes, yes! Summer is in the air. I am loving
it. I hope you are all also enjoying it.

I would like to say that the FML has something for just about everyone.
There are requests for prayers, people asking for help or offering
suggestions, poetry, stories, important ferret articles, funny
happenings with your ferret, and silly fun stuff like a ferret wedding.
There are mentioning's of Japanese ferret goodies, raffles, information
on poor breeders hurting ferrets, requests for re-homing ferrets,
mentioning of ferret shows...when and where kind of stuff. So very
many kinds of ferrety subjects are brought up.

Some days I read all of it, and a few days...not so much. No one is
going to shoot me if I decide not to read something.

Don't like ferret wedding madness? Tired of reading about pet food
recall, or can't relate to needing help to get rid of mice or ants?
Just skip it. Move on. Be grateful for what we have here and the
wonderful moderator we are blessed to have who is holding us together
in our diversity.

There are other sites and other moderators with ferrets. You should try
a few of them. But Bill is the best moderator I have run across. No
swearing, profanity, name calling, malicious gossip....A number of us
have found that on some other ferret sites.

And sometimes on a couple of these ferret lists we have found that if a
friend of the moderator wants to lie about someone...it is allowed. The
person who was lied about tries to write back...but the moderator is
NOT friends with this person...so nothing is allowed in rebuttal and
defense. Nasty mean stabbing stuff.

Now THAT is abhorrent to me. THAT is what would upset me.

Ferret wedding silliness between people pure of heart? Just skip it if
it is not your cup of tea. And try to be grateful for this one place
where so many different people with numerous interests and ideas can

[Posted in FML 5627]