Friday's the last day to enter the Friends of Ferret Shelters Valentine
raffle, benefiting the FerretsFirst shelter of Annandale, Virginia!
Select from five super items that are sure to please your loved ones -
furry and not!
Every cent goes to benefit the shelter. Tickets are $2 apiece, three
for $5 and six for $10. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday so hurry and
enter the raffle at now!
Click on the PayPal icon on our webpage, then scroll down to the link
that says "Start Using PayPal Today." That link will take you to a
PayPal page where you can either log in to your existing account or
create a new one.
Thank you for helping all the sweet babies at the FerretsFirst shelter!
Susann Thiel and Lisa Oestereich
[Posted in FML 5513]