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Mon, 18 Aug 2008 23:37:41 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge and SaraFerret was lying on a hammie
in front of her cottage. De kits were playing around her and all seemed
peaceful. After all, it was her day off from greeting. (Famous last
words). Den she saw Mimi, de little girl courier, fly up to her with
a note in her paw.

"SaraFerret, I have a special request for you. It seems that a Mommy
Rosie was sick the day her ferret crossed and she didn't make a posty
and she wants to know if you remember."

SaraFerret took de note dat she handed to her and read it and said,
"Oh yeah, I remember dis fuzzy-- she arrived on a Saturday." And she
fell into a dreamlike state of remembrance...

I got to de entrance just in time to see dis fuzzy marching across de
bridge with her head held high and tied to her tail was a flag with a
maple leaf on it. Dere was some kind of patriotic music dat I heard
(now what was dat tune--I know I hears it before). But anyway, dat
fuzzy girl sure knew it, cause she just kept marching in time to it.
Finally she reached de entrance.

I introduced myself, "Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you
will have no more pain or suffering. You will run on cool green grasses
and have lotsa fun with friends."

Well de little girl fuzzy said, "My name is Lady and I belong to Mommy
Rosie. Do you know her? She is so nice. She always held me in her arms.
I am used to being boss lady ferret--can I still be boss here? Is there
anyone here that I know? Did you notice de nifty flag I tied on my
tail? I know it doesn't look exactly right, but us Canadian ferrets
are always so proud of our country, does that make sense to you? What
are those funny things on your shoulders anyway?"

WOWSIE! I thought to myself. (Dis little girl sure does know how to ask
questions, but den all new arrivals have some questions. If dey don'T
ask, den dey don't know de right answers).

So I takes a deep breath and tries to starts off by answering some of
her questions.

"Lady, I don't know your Mommy, but I am sure she is a nice lady, after
all she brought you up so polite. Dere are others here dat you do know
and some others dat you will meet. As to de boss thing--Uh how do I put
this--dere is only one Boss here and he is not a fuzzy. He is de Boss
of everybody. So no one is boss and everyone is nice to everyone. Now
some of us like to play pranks but dey are not nasty mean pranks, dey
are just fun pranks, so no ones is allowed to be mean to one another.
Of course you can wrestle and play as much as you wants, as long as you
don't hurt. Yes I noticed de flag you had on your tail. Dat is so cool.
I have always known dat you Canadian ferrets are so proud of your
country. As to de things on my shoulders, dese are wings and you will
get a pair."

Lady looked at me wide-eyed, "Wings? Why do we need wings?

"To fly about de heavens with," I replied. And I gave her a short demo
of how de worked. Well dat seemed to make her really happy. So we went
on down de garden path toward de Wing House where de wings were stored.
We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of course). Lady
opened de box and took out de wings--Bright pink--just perfect for a
precious little girl. I helped her on with de wings and adjusted her
halo. And den we opened de door and went on down de path to meet her

Den she saw a banner strung across de trees saying "Welcome Lady!" And
all of a sudden a group of familiar fuzzies jumped out and yelled,
SURPRIZE! She knew dem all except three and she was soon introduced
to dem. Well, dey all went ahead to dere cottage where a party was

Den I awoke from my remembering and saw de note: "Please greet Lady
from Miss Rosie." So I knew what I had to do. I ran to dere cottage
and knocked on dere door and showed dem de note. Well Lady was so
surprised. All of de fuzzies joined me and we trotted on toward de
Misting Pond. We sat down beside de cool clear water and with one
swish we saw a vision of Mommy Rosie appear. Lady and her friends got
so excited dat dey started waving and dooking with all of dere might.
"Mommy I love you so much. Thank you for holding me on that last night.
See I have pink wings now and I can fly. I have all my friends now but
I won't try to fight and I have to behave. I will visit you in a dream
one day." Den all of dem all together in one burst dooked "Oh Canada."
(Now I knew what dat song had been when she crossed de bridge). It was
so beautiful dat I had a tear in my eye. Den Lady took de song, and
hugs and kisses and wrapped dem all with of her love and laid dem on
a nearby shooting star which was headed toward your house. And with
another swish de vision was gone.

We headed on back to dere cottage and Lady finally showed me her big
toucan bird dat she had brought across. It was her prize and she always
slept with it as it was a bit of her old life. But she was so happy
here and she felt so good. I was invited to stay and join in a lunch,
but I had to kits to take care of so I said my goodbyes.

But as I headed home I caught myself singing, "Oh Canada".

Lovey and hugs,

[Posted in FML 6067]