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Sun, 8 Apr 2007 18:17:33 -0500
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Hi folks, dis be SaraFerret. Us ferret greeters sure have been busy.
(It may not seem so to de FML, cause we greet all ferrets not just dese
mentioned on de postys here) Dere must have been lots of of epizootics
down dere. Just dis week I welcomed three from de same family. So I
has to share it all with you folks.

Dere I was taking a nap by de bridge when all of a sudden de courier
came running up and dropped de note on me and he says, Wake up Ms
SaraFerret, you has to gweet des fewwets, hurry up, dey is commin
right now, hurry up and gets up or you will be in twouble.

Oh mercy, who appointed him to be de Boss, I tinks to myself, dat boy
is just getting a might too big for his britches, I heard him when he
first tippytoes up here; he didnt have to carryon so much. De Boss is
gonna have to discuss dis wit him.

All of a sudden, I hears a big Voice speak, SaraFerret, settle down,
dont pay him any mind; he is just a kit; he gets carried away with
his job just like you used to. Oops! I tink back, Yep! I used to do
dat also. Sorry, Boss, I will be better.

De Boss says, I know dat you will be SaraFerret, as you have always
been kind in de past. Now go on and greet your new arrivals.

So wit dat out of de way. I arrive at my place at de bridge entrance.
First comes Kiera, a fluffy black sable, who just prances across. Right
after her comes Velvet aka Boogie, a smallish black sable who was blind
and kinda stumbled across de bridge. Then lastly came a little kit
named Calvin, who hopped into my arms shouting Mommy. (Oh wowsie, poor
little kits who are orphans and just loved a short time on earth by
their earth mommys)

Well, with dis Calvin, in my arms, I welcomed Kiera and Velvet and
introduced myself to them. Hi, I am SaraFerret, the bridgegreeter at
de Bridge. This is your new home. It has no pain or suffering and you
can run and play in the grass. Also I will give you a brief tour of de
place if you wish, altho there are a lot of other ferrets who will be
happy to show you de ins and outs of de place.

Of course, it was kind of hard to move wit a kit holding onto me. Uh,
Calvin, I dont tink I am your Mommy. He looked at me wit dose soulful
kit eyes. 

But of course you have to be my Mommy. Missy Donny said I would find
my Mommy at de Rainbow Bridge and dere you were.

(Oh mercy I tinks) I tells Calvin, I tink you misunderstood Missy
Donna, your Mommy is up here and we will find her, but....

But Calvin looks at me again, are you abandoning me too? Of course not,
Calvin, you can stay wit me for a few minutes until I get this
situation straightened out. Here let me hold you. Now Kiera and Velvet
and also Calvin we are going over to Kit and Kaboodle and get all of
you fitted for wings. WINGS? they exclaim in surprise.

Of course. Wings and haloes like I have. So off we go.

When we get there, who should we meet, but Auntie Mary Ferret, the wing
mistress and of course the headmistress of de kit house. Kiera and
Velvet find dere wings wit ease. Kiera picks a bluish pair and Velvet a
pink set and are helped wit dem by Auntie. Of course dey immediately
head for de mirror. Dey preen and dance in front of it and do I detect
a smile on dose ladies' faces.

VANITY-THY NAME IS FERRET! What to do about Calvin's wings--hmmmm--of
course--how about blu, Calvin?

Calvin replies-Nope, I wants purples wit black cars on dem!

Of course, Auntie Mary says, trying to figure out how to find a small
enough pair wit a tiny car on dem and den she comes across de perfect
pair. He gets dem on and runs to de mirror, tripping as he runs--it
takes awhile for kits to learn how to balance wings. But when he
reaches de mirror--he is glowing.

Den I has to have a serious talk wit Auntie Mary Ferret about Calvin
tinking I am his Mommy. I have bridge duties and all dat stuff. How am
I going to watch him and do dat. Auntie Mary has a solution, when you
have bridge duties, just bring him to school here and go about your
duties and pick him up when you is tru. Ok I says, we will see if dat
will work. I will check wit de Boss to see if its ok.

Immediately I hear a Big Voice. Its ok SaraFerret. You may be Calvin's
Mommy until he starts to fit in. I am sure within a short time he will
want to move on with others and if not, you will have a companion.

I should have known I didnt have to ask de Boss anything. He knows
everything. So I turns to Calvin and says, well Calvin, guess you get
to stay wit me when I am not at de bridge, but you have to report to
school when I am on duty. All kits are required to come to de kit
school. So finally wit all de business taken care of Kiera and Velvet
and wit Calvin firmly attached to me, we set off to take a brief tour
of de bridge.

Tings have changed a bit. The otter mud slide has been moved over to
de side of de bridge. Too many complaints about loudness and rowdy
behavior. Some of de blackfooties also moved out. De domestic ferrets
just a bit too noisy. So some of de kittys moved closer. Go figure! Why
de kittys wanted to move here just amazes me! De Kibble Bar has been
replaced by an all-fruit bar. We had kibble on earth, we are tired of
kibble. De garage remains. Dere is now a ladies sewing circle. A ladies
sewing circle? (Where did dat come from)? By dis time we are all a bit
worn out.

Until we get housing set up I invite dem to stay at my place. I didnt
realize dat Jazzy and some of my business must have realized I would
be having houseguests and they had set up a big party. At my house
dere was a big banner, saying Welcome, Kiera, Velvet, Calvin and so we
entered my place and dere was pepsi and ice tea, and squirt cheese and
crackers for all and course de mousey angels were busy squeaking around
and being dere usual efficient selves.

Mommy Donna, your babies made it to de Bridge and dey tank you very
much for taking care of dem on earth.

Loveys and hugs from dey Rainbow Bridge

[Posted in FML 5572]