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Sat, 5 Jan 2008 18:20:32 -0500
Dawn Gloeckler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
I was glad to read the last FML post has finally let up on all the
flaming about Lori and Kris, and even Kris got an apology!

I have a GREAT suggestion! Instead of flaming people and whining and
crying about who did or didn't do what, why don't we just take ALL
that negative energy and put it too good use by petitioning everyone's
State Rep's and other government officials to get tighter laws on these
breeding farms so that people like Mckay, Marshall Farms and others
will have more restrictions so that breeders will have stricter laws
for what and how they breed ALL species of pets - INCLUDING ferrets!
AND put an end pet stores selling animals! If people have to either
adopt a dog or go to a reputable breeder for their pets, I strongly
believe the overcrowded shelter situations of ALL animals won't be
so overloaded! I dunno, maybe I'm wrong but I don't see what it could
hurt. If people stop flaming Lori and Kris and others and start
directing all that energy to protesting and flaming our State Rep's/Gov
officials about tighter laws, then maybe we won't EVER have to feel the
the pain and hurt that is placed on these poor animals that are treated
like chattel instead of living beings. I'm sure there will always be
cases, but if we all ban together and start directing our anger at the
right people, I'm sure it will eventually lessen the amount of sad
cases that are so rampant in today's society!
Also, if you want to REALLY direct some anger at someone, let's start
w/Marshall Farms. You all DO know they breed beagles, pigs AND ferrets
for laboratories, right? You DO know that there is a company called
Marshall BioResources don't you? And that that company is ALSO in
North Rose, NY as well, right? Here's the link:
Read all about what they have to sell for laboratory specimens! Check
out Lab Animal Buyer s Guide:
http://guide.labanimal.com/guide/companyd.jsp?b=4350 as well as
Marshall BioResources Animal Lab News Buyer's Guide:
AND they not only have locations here in North America, but Europe,
Japan, South Korea, and Asia as well! A large protest to the French
government stopped them from also placing another location in France:
http://www.peta.org/feat/marsh/ and
http://www.peta.org/feat/marsh/index2.html .
I have always had Marshall ferrets - for over 18 yrs now - but I will
not buy another one (sorry to hurt the little guys still in pet shops
out there) but if there is no demand then the supply will have to dry
up, right?! I would NEVER trade any of my Marshall babies that I had
while I had/have them, but I refuse to further line this company's
pockets w/my money to further their ghastly and nauseating practices!
Air Canada will no longer ship their beagles:
so why are the other airlines? Maybe we should also protest all the
airlines as well to stop shipping these animals for a life of hell in
a laboratory!

I just think there is a better way to direct all our flaming other than
fighting amongst our own ranks. We rallied together to get the DMK kids
out of their hellish life, so why don't we now take on some bigger
fish? Here is the directory of the US Governors, Senators and
Representatives by state:
And here is a list of all the US airports and airlines by state as well:
http://www.officialusa com/travel/airlines/.

Start emailing THEM to make some MUCH needed changes to our animal
breeding/lab testing laws! You all DO also know that there are
ALTERNATIVES out there to animal testing that in today's day and
age should be put into practice to stop the barbaric use of animals
in labs: http://www.geari.org/alternatives-to-animal-testing.html .

"I asked why somebody didn't do something, and then I realized that I
AM somebody."

Dawn, Hamlet, Socrates, Romeo, and the DMK boys Alexander and my dear
deaf panda boy, Simon

[Moderator's note: There is a lot of info here about Marshall Farms,
and as far as that goes, it's appropriate for the FML since Marshall's
breeds ferrets. But discussion about animal testing, PETA and such is
NOT appropriate for FML unless it *specifically* relates to ferrets.
I really don't want to go down that route on the FML. BIG]

[Posted in FML 5843]