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Fri, 11 May 2007 11:19:49 -0500
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Today is such a peaceful beautiful day at de entrance to de bridge. All
of a sudden, de little boy courier drops by, and just wants to visit.

Hey, Miss SaraFerret, here is de note, but apparently he is taking a
few extra minutes to cross. Can you play hide-and-seek wit me for a few
minutes; no one else wants to pway wit me rights now, he squeaks. (I
sigh to myself and tink I betcha I can know why, but instead I dont
say it). Ok, I tells him, We can pway for a few minutes, just until de
crosser comes. So we begin to play. Imagine, one older ferret and one
kit, bouncing back and forth wit imaginary trees and all dat and even
SaraFerret manages one of her spectacular wild war dances. But den it
all stops.

The newest crosser is coming across de bridge and de boy courier takes
off. I quick takes a look at my note. Wowsie dat is one thin ferret.
He makes it across to de entrance and introduces himself to me, Hi I 
am Jack and I belong to Mommy Stacey; and I was told I was to be met
by SaraFerret, are you her? Somehow you dont look quite like a
bridgegreeter. You are kinda funny looking. You have a funny looking
head and a regular body and a bushy tail and thin fur.

SaraFerret says well I am she and yes I am de bridge greeter, and yes
I am strange-looking. But it was all on account of de rather de ferret
farm bred me and de owners bought me anyway and de my mommy rescued
me and den all dat happened. But we all cant be great looking can we.
Besides de Boss says He keeps me dis way to keep me from becoming too
prideful and yes it does work. I just dont stand in front of de mirror
and dat seems to help.

Well dat seems to satisfy Jack, as he says, well I didnt mean to hurts
your feelings SaraFerret.

Nonsense, I say, I dont get feelings hurt over questions like dat from
new crossers. You have to asks questions. Dats what us bridge greeters
are for. We are here to help de new ones adjust to dere new life. Now
I see you have a full secret backpack.

Jack asks, do I have to give it up, Mommy put it wit me when she knew
I was passing? Of course not, I tells him. Unlike humans, ferrets can
take it wit dem. Arent we fortunate. I open it for him and we both
admire his beautiful yellow blanket. Oh how pretty, I exclaim. Now
we have to get you fitted for wings, something dat will match your
beautiful sable coat. So offs we goes to Kit and Kaboodle. And on de
counter dere is a box marked "Jack" and he goes over to it and opens
it. And he pulls out a beautiful pair of yellow wings with black
stripes shot thruout. We try dem on him and den set de halo on him --
well its a bit lop-sided -- hmmm -- straighten it out -- dere.

Ok, Jack says, where's de mirror.

But Jack, I says, your Mommy said in her note, dat you didnt care for
tings like dat.

Jack looks at me, and says, Mommy doesnt know everything about me, she
just thinks she does. Now where is dat mirror. After all, a guy has to
look his best. He looks in de mirror and he is satisfied dat he is one
cool-looking ferret. VANITY-THY NAME IS FERRET!

As we walk out de door, we are met by Allie and Romeo, two of Mommy
Stacey's business dat have crossed previously to Jack's arrival at
Mommy Stacey's. Dey share toughts about her. Even tho dey dont know
each other dey still have her in common, so dey decide to share a
cottage. So I am invited to the party in a short time. Dey will give
de grand tour.

Jack sends a big kiss on de evening star and hopes you catches it,
Mommy Stacey, and dat one time in de long distant future you and
all of your fur children will be reunited at de Rainbow Bridge.


[Posted in FML 5605]