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Wed, 7 Mar 2007 10:14:34 -0500
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Thank you ever so much to the webmaster and people who put up the Doug
McKay Rescue foundation site. Thank you to those who were willing to
take the time to write up detailed accounts of their visit there and go
public with it. And thank you for the photos, most of all. This is what
was needed. Proof. People to put what they saw in writing. But what is
most valuable is the fact that public word is now out about DM. It's
harder for someone to buy his ferrets if they know what is going on.
Its harder for a greedy breeder to buy and use his stock if they will
be ostracized by the community by doing so.

When I saw the site, the thing that stood out to me most was how
accurate the posts regarding the conditions at the location have been
on the FML ... down to the last detail without exaggeration. I was
glad to know that everyone posting about what they saw/knew was giving
reliable and objective information despite how traumatic it must have
been to see all of that first hand.

You know what I could not believe though? It's hard for me to believe
that the state does not have better health codes? It's so infuriating.
The very most backward southern areas here, at least have some fair
rules about property in regards to feces, waste (bad food and garbage),
trash and health hazards. We can't have pools of water during the
spring and summer as that breeds mosquitoes and disease. We can't have
piles of trash as that attracts and breeds rats. The list goes on an
on. Granted, some places only have one or two of those ordinances. And
some places are lax. But come on, piles of waste which appears to be
feet high in those photos? Trash heaps as far as the eye can see? I
keep thinking that there is so very much to "work" with here, that
surely there is a loop hole. Some places that have little to no laws
regarding animal welfare, at least have laws as to what constitutes
endangerment to humans, let alone animals. Sharp edges and trash laying
around, etc.. I wonder if a good lawyer could creatively come up with
some strategy using such back doors. Would it get the ferrets out?
Would it get them fed better and warmer? No, but ... it would be a step
forward. And it would create such a nuisance and hardship for them to
keep the property up (especially if it is watched so they are made to
upkeep what is cleaned up after a slap on the wrist) that perhaps
they'd downgrade, or even eventually close. Couple that with the photos
of frozen water, etc, which does break the Ohio animal cruelty laws as
far as I can see (maybe it was the pics, but I also could not see food
much of the time) ... who knows what can be accomplished. But I guess
finding an animal savvy lawyer who would do pro bono work is nearly

Now that there are photos. Now that there is a sworn witness(s). I feel
a bit more comfortable with the situation. I have sworn promise to
myself to never get involved or meddle with anything unless I hear and
see something with my own ears and eyes. I still have not in this case,
so I am guarded, it's in my nature. But I feel comfortable enough now,
to move forward to writing anyone that needs to be written to, etc.
I'm hoping that many others, after seeing the site, will now feel the

MFRAN website with story, detailed affidavit, and photos:

Comprehensive series of photos:

[Posted in FML 5540]