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Wed, 4 Jul 2007 02:08:11 EDT
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>I will  miss you my sweet Punky... your kisses... your eager face...
>I just hope  you were happy.

Jack and Lisa

If it were easy to say Goodbye would it be worth the effort to do so?
It isn't easy to say goodbye to anything you love. In this case a
ferret whom you loved and I am sure she loved you right back. You say
you hope she was happy with you? Ferrets are always happy with those
they love no matter where they lived or at what time. As long as YOU
were there I am sure Pumpkin was happy just to be with you. Such is the
ways of the ferret. I know as I run a Rescue and I have seen ferrets go
thru agony when seperated from the ones they loved for whatever reason
they had to be seperated. I have heard some stupid reasons and I have
seen the agony folks go thru becasue of health or living life styles
that forced them to be seperated from their loved frets. I stepped in
and tried to become what the ferrets needed and most of the time I
become their new friend and loved on them and they learned to love
me...but in a couple of instances I could not fill the gap the ferret
felt in losing their people. To all out there, If you feel that you
need to seperate you and your frets think deeply how that will effect
your fret becasue it will..it surely will.

Jack and Lisa I wished I had some magic words to say to make your grief
easier to handle but I do not. Know this, as you loved her she loved
you back and gave all she had to you. She will be there at the Rainbow
bridge when you make that journey someday yourself and when you do,
there she will be waiting...just for you....
Fred Hurd
Reno Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5659]