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Wed, 13 Dec 2006 23:43:45 -0800
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Okay. Here is an update on Pecan. The red itchy ferret I was desperate
for help for that I posted about a few days ago. I want to thank all of
you that responded to my pleas. For all the absolutely wonderful
responses that I received and also the prayers I thank you from the
bottom of my heart. Please keep up the prayers as we are no where near
out of the woods.

I will try and forward this with additional notes to all you who
answered me but if I miss you please accept this as one great big

He went in to UC Davis today. Here is partially what they put on his
discharge papers that contained 24 separate instructions and then I
will list his meds.

Presented for intense itchiness and redness. Physical exam revealed
crusting and redness over entire body. Skin scrapings negative. Swab
for ear mites negative. Tape cytology of the skin and ears revealed
moderate numbers of bacteria and yeast. Due to Pecan's clinical signs
of intense itchiness, crusty feet, and papillary red eruptions we
strongly suspect sarcoptic mange as the primary problem with secondary
bacterial and yeast infections.

(my words) they tried to find the mange but after 5 scrapings decided
they would just treat for it even though they couldn't find it. If this
turns out to not be it, then next item down the list of possibilities
that it could be, isn't good. They completely eliminated the idea of an
allergy. I thought that was what it would turn out to be, but I was
wrong. They decided against a skin biopsy at this time. He has dropped
almost 200 grams in weight and I think they just didn't want any
additional stress.

Here are his meds- one good thing is that the Baytril that he started
9 days ago was the right antibiotic, hurray! So, he will continue that
for 3 more weeks and we are now going to add 5.5 cc of lactated ringers
to it so it won't be so caustic. They said it was okay for me to
continue massaging his feet with the bag balm. They are taking him off
of the pred over the next 14 days. Added Fluconazole for the yeast
infection. Reducing the benadryl down to 0.25 cc 2 x a day. Way down
from the 1 cc every 6 hours he was on. Added a bath with Malaseb 2
times a week. He is gonna love me. Revolution for him and his roommate
every 2 weeks for 4 treatments. . The rest in the house will need to be
treated if he responds. That means I will need a total of 44 kitten
size bottles of revolution so if anybody knows of a cheap way of
getting this please let me know. I talked to the shelter about perhaps
being able to help as most here are fosters. Right now they just can't.
I know why. They have had 5 surgeries in 5 weeks. So, any ideas that
way would be welcomed.

The hospital was really great. They spent about 2 (well almost 3 now
that I think about it) hours working on him. They are going to send
me a copy of the pictures they took if anybody is interested. About 6
students and 4 "higher ups" for lack of a better description came to
see him. We were in the dermatology department for most of the stuff.

Please keep Pecan in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you guys
updated as well as things hopefully progress forward,

With Love,
MJB (Mary Jo) 

ps I truly appreciate all of the answers and suggestions that I
received. Some of the research that you guys did for me was way beyond
the call of duty. I looked at every link sent and read everything. If
I missed sending you a personal message I truly didn't mean to over
look you. I was so tired last night I kept sending replies without
the update and sent several to the FHL by mistake!

[Posted in FML 5456]