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Thu, 25 Oct 2007 00:14:53 -0500
Nancy Herring <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Blitzkrieg is the German term for "lightening war." I think that the
term Blitzkrieg can be applied to the FML and the way the members
fight to help ferrets. I was amazed at how fast the DMK ferrets were
dispersed around the country.

I was also amazed at how fast little Mocha got a new home. My oldest
daughter called around 6 P.M. Monday to say that I could advertise
Mocha. I sent an e-mail to the FML around midnight. In spite of the
lateness of the hour when it was sent, Bill put it first in Tuesday's
FML. A member who lives about 4 hours from Wichita read the FML and
called Christina who was wanting a ferret and who just happened to be
coming to Wichita on Tuesday to drop off her husband. Christina called
me when she was about 100 miles out of Wichita. We met about 15 minutes
from my house and, after dropping off her husband, Christina and Mocha
were on their way to his new home. It all happened so fast, I am still

I held Mocha one last time and I hated to give him to Christina even
though she promised him a good home. I am not the type to get an animal
and then give it up. If my kids get an animal that they have to give
up, I try to keep it. But my husband and youngest daughter who still
lives at home said "no more ferrets in the house" so I gave Mocha to
Christina instead of bringing him home with me.

To the FML member who told Christina about Mocha, please help her
take good care of him and please let me know how he is doing. I gave
Christina my e-mail address and she promised she would write me. Tell
her that I am waiting to hear from her. And tell her that if she ever
has to give him up to let me know. I hope that that will never happen
though. I hope that she will give him his forever home.

To all the shelter operators, you deserve praise for what you do. You
take in neglected animals, clean them up, care for them, and then adopt
them out. That has got to be so hard. When my daughter's family got
Mocha I tried to avoid him and not get attached because I knew that I
could never bring him home with me if anything happened, but I got
attached anyway. I miss him.

Please send me an update on his life in his new home. He was a very
sweet guy who wasn't stinky after I cleaned his cage some. I think that
if Christina keeps his litter box clean he will learn to use it 90% of
the time, and what more can you ask from a ferret.


[Posted in FML 5772]