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Thu, 2 Aug 2007 00:51:08 -0400
Amanda Westenberger <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (78 lines)
hello, a ferret shelter operator recommended this mailing list to me
upon hearing of my circumstances. In brief i am nearly 9 months
pregnant and my husband was recently laid off as such we are forced to
move out of state to live with my in laws and are unable to take our 5
ferrets with us. the shelter operator thought that perhaps i could post
this here in hopes that someone may be able to help as her shelter is
currently full.

Here is a brief description of the ferrets, photos are available upon
request just email me.

Wraith is the oldest, he was born in May of 2002, he is an albino.
To be honest he has given us a great deal of trouble in the past
with biting, however neither me of my husband has been bit in quite
sometime, I would say in a good year but I can't honestly say weather
it is because he has stopped biting or we have just gotten good at
handling him.

The next oldest is Goblin, I believe she was born in January of 2003,
she is best described as a light brown sable pattern. She is just
generally a very good tempered lil girl.

Next in line is Pippin, I'm not sure of a birth date as I can't find
his certificate but he was bought in August of 2003 I know he wasn't
full grown at the time nor was he tiny, I really am not sure how to
describe his coloring, he is basically white with some color, I'd feel
best sending pics out of him rather than trying to describe him. All of
my ferrets are very social but if one absolutely HAD to live on their
own I would think Pippin would adapt to it best, his 'schedule' tends
to have him awake at different times than the others, I do think he
would be happier with other ferrets but if not other option is
available he would be the only one I would feel comfortable with living
alone. He really doesn't care for any ferret treats, though he is good
about taking his laxatone.

The last 2 were picked up together, I'm not sure if they are actually
litter mates since they were bought at a pet store but they are the
same age, or close enough to it that they might as well be, both born
in May 2004, Grendal and Gimli both females, Grendal is a very light
silver, Gimli is a sable. It is true that since we got them together
they haven't been separated from each other much but I honestly don't
see a bond stronger between them than any of the others. They are both
good natured too, maybe a little more hyper but it just may seem that
way since they are my youngest.

Group notes on the group, none have been to the vets, all were bought
fixed and de-scented. Most were bought at different times and we never
had any trouble integrating a new ferret. They have spent time with
older children and with the exception of Wraith's biting I never had
a problem. They have had limited contact with younger children (3-5
year olds) and again no problems. We also have cats however the cats
don't seem too thrilled with the ferrets so there hasn't been much
interaction there, but what little they have had has seemed just fine
from the ferret point of view. The guys are okay about bathing, the
girls would rather be anywhere else though, not that they get vicious
or anything but they will not settle down, they just want out.

We currently live in Massachusetts about an hour west of Boston, we
will be willing to travel about 4 hours or so to deliver the ferrets.
Also we own 3 cages 2 are about 2 feet high, and 2x3, one folds down
the other doesn't, the third cage is larger, about 4 feet high and 2x3
it also can fold down. I'm not trying to bribe anyone but I do intend
to give out the cages, though with my number of babies I wouldn't be
able to give out cages with a single ferret, unless of course the rest
are already taken. And of course we have an assortment of toys,
hammocks, water bottles and food dishes that I'd be happy to send off
with them.

I think I have covered most of the important things, however if you
have any further questions doesn't hesitate to contact me, my email
address is [log in to unmask] Thank you for your time.

thank you!
Amanda Westenberger

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